December 29, 2020

10 Affirmations for When You’re Feeling “Off.”


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Here you are, feeling frazzled, frustrated, and overwhelmed.

First, remember that we can’t hate ourselves back into peace, it’s—as cheesy it sounds—love that leads the way.

So, when you find yourself discombobulated, afraid, and miles away from your highest Self, pause. Breathe deeply. Get still. Be kind to yourself. 

We all get to this desperate place from time to time—perhaps more often right now, thanks to the pandemic. 

Grab a cup of tea, head to your favourite spot, sit down, and take a deep breath. 

Dance your way back to alignment by repeating these 10 powerful affirmations:

1. I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.

2. When I forget who I am, I come back to myself easily and gently.

3. I am safe, supported, guided, and loved.

4. I show myself compassion and patience.

5. I trust the process.

6. My life is an adventure, and I’m always learning.

7. My body tells me what I need in order to thrive.

8. I am grounded in this moment.

9. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are in harmony with one another.

10. I’m doing my best, and that is enough.

Go easily, dear one.


Read this article’s twin post here: Why being “In Alignment” is a Bullsh*t Concept.


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Eryl McCaffrey  |  Contribution: 2,245

author: Eryl McCaffrey

Image: erylmccaffrey/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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