January 24, 2021

I’m not Lost—I’m just Done Chasing False Hopes.

In the big cities, we are just wanderers

keeping our heads down.
But inside, we’re wishing
for someone to see us,
someone to look through,
connecting with that bright, creative light,
keeping us alive,
so powerful.

Together, we all could be gods and goddesses.

In the big cities, we get lost,
searching for purpose but missing the path.
Trying so hard
we forget we could fly.
Urged to fit in so badly
for none of it matters.
Wearing masks,
not recognizing ourselves.

In the big cities, we get overwhelmed.
Places as crowded as our minds
loaded with responsibilities.
So little time to fulfill,
leaving yourself behind,
missing the silence.

In the big cities, we become shadows,
fading memories of who we were,
of happy times and laughter,
questioning who we are today.
Feeling empty.
Getting numb,
but too afraid to make a move.

If you feel the same way I do,
try to look at the city streets from up above.
I may be misplaced, but not lost.
Trapped, but full of potential.
Heartbroken, but hopeful.
Procrastinating, yet creative.
Different, but not insane.

I don’t want to be depressed—
I want to be bold.

I don’t want to be tired—
I just want to get out.

I don’t want to be certain—
I want to be surprised.

They say things aren’t going to work out,
but I want to do all the things.

I’ve been waiting for change,
but I’m done chasing false hopes.

Time to leave here.
Nothing new to seek here.

All possibilities ahead
with my head upright,
leaving the tracks.

I want to remember how to fly.



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Rebecca Hollschewski  |  Contribution: 2,310

author: Rebecca Hollschewski

Image: Author's own

Image: Nikita Krasnov/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef

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