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January 25, 2021

A Life Lesson That Kobe Bryant Left Us

Photo by Edgar Colomba on Pexels.

In the beginning of 2020, we have faced unimaginable news. News were piling up almost everyday from Wildfires in Australia to tensions between the US and IRAN, shootings (in Aurora, Texas and Kansas City), CORONAVIRUS, and then a helicopter crash with 9 people death in Calabasas California.

With every news we have received, the helicopter crash with 9 people death was an accident that shocked everyone because a 13-year-old girl and a legendary person was there. The two people who took their last breath here on earth on the 26th of January 2020 was no other than the legendary KOBE BRYANT and his daughter GIGI. A legendary person whose name we would always chant during his basketball games. Whenever we play basketball with our friends for fun, we would yell his name “Kobe” after shooting the ball to the hoops. I know most of us did, we would always echo his name when we think about basketball and we are to pass this on to the next generation to come, but the story that we are about to share to the future generation has unexpected sad ending but full of life realizations.

Kobe Bryant is an incredible basketball player in the NBA. He played for Lakers for twenty years (1996-2016). If he was still alive, he would have been celebrating Lakers team for winning the NBA Championship in 2019-2020 season. He would have had taken pictures with his family last Christmas; He would have made a surprise for his wife, Vanessa, on this coming Valentine’s day; He would have been with his daughters walking down the aisle when his daughters get married someday, but sadly, he wouldn’t make it due to his untimely death.

Kobe’s daughter Gianna Bryant or “Gigi” as many call her, a 13-year-old girl who has yet to live a long journey filled with a bright future, died with her father in a helicopter crash. Gigi played for the Mamba Sports Academy where she was coached by her father. She is a female version of Kobe, where she got her skills on playing basketball from his father. She would have became the best players in Women National Basketball Athlete and she would have made a huge difference in women’s basketball just like what her father did, but she died way too young unexpectedly.

Kobe may have left the world, but he also left us a tons of lesson, and this struck me for life:

Tomorrow is never promised.

Now, I’m not saying that Kobe Bryant didn’t live his best life. His death is an example of unimaginable tragedy that could happen to anyone of us. We’re not in control of the world. We may have plans for tomorrow but we don’t know what else is yet to come and we may not see the sunrise the next day.

It was hard to digest and to believe what was happening. Nobody expected it was going to happen. Some of you may have dreamed about getting your ball signed by him one day. Maybe you’ve been wanting to take pictures with him, but he died way too soon.

If we could feel the sorrow of him and Gigi’s death, what more his family could feel at that moment?

On the news, Jay Williams said that hit me, he said with his shaky voice, “Everybody at home you give that person next to you, whatever you have wrong with them, it might be small or big, let that go. None of that stuff matters. This is about life and being precious with everyday and seconds that we have here”.

You might die today and you may not see the world tomorrow. Life is precious and can be gone before you know it. Love the people around you and live a life to the fullest while you can. Don’t get upset over things that don’t matter with the people that matters.

Cherish every moment you have with your family, I know this is easier said than done. But let go of what hurts you. If you have guilt with your parents or siblings, let it go. Forgive them if they did you wrong, because once they are gone, they are gone forever. You wouldn’t be able to take them back. Grudges in your heart won’t help, it would only weigh you down. Be thankful to your parents and say “I love you” while you can.

Love your friends as much as you love yourself. If you can’t think of someone you consider as friend, be someone’s friend. Life is way too short, you don’t want to regret not doing your best and what you could give to the world. Give your best shot today as if it is your last day on earth.

Vanessa Bryant shared at the Memorial for Kobe and Gianna Bryant:

“God knew they couldn’t be on this Earth without each other. He had to bring them home to have them together. Babe, you take care of our Gigi. I got Nati, Bibi, and Koko, and we’re still the best team”

When Kobe Bryant was still alive, he gave his best shots not only inside the court, but he gave his best shots outside the court as a good father, a romantic husband, and a good teacher to all of us.

And because you’re still here in this world, you still have a chance to give your best shot. Discover your passion and work for it. Do the things that scares you. Do the things that makes you alive and unleash your potential. Chase your dreams and don’t just wait for it to happen. You have to give your best shot while you live, don’t take anyone or anything for granted because tomorrow is never promised.

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