Laugh more, love more, live more!
Love is on the calendar again! We can sense it in the air with almond blossoms, half awake bugs and spirited bright yellow dandelions growing through stones. The smells, the sounds and general brightness make the head spin, similar to the bubbly sensations from a nice glass of champagne! We feel joy and love for Divine beauty! It’s a reminder to offer love, kindness, care and gratitude to our loved ones and to ourselves. All the props we seek from the outside diminish in importance as we refocus on the fullness and depth of life itself. As the Russian mystic writer Zeland observed, the world around us is just a big mirror. When our focus is strong and clear, energy is mobilised towards manifesting whatever that is. Directing our focus, our intention every day helps us find Love, Beauty, and Light everywhere. We can revitalise and transform the whole being with yoga classes which help us care for ourselves in the most profound way. Happy Valentines day, my Angels
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