March 1, 2021

To the One who Didn’t Stay. {Poem}

Photo by Snapwire on Pexels.

I thought about the way your arms

wrapped around me like a question mark;

as if I was the answer to your insatiable heart. 

You always knew I was not her.

I always knew you were not him. 

You played me piano at midnight once. 

Shirt off, 

my eyes locked to the way your fingers danced 

frantically across the bone-white keys. 

They were always so static;

like waves crashing over our lost coast. 

I found it mesmerizing; 

your body pressed against mine. 

The way you told me I was beautiful;

my curves captured in the confines of your hurried hands.

You told me, once more, that I was beautiful.

That my mind was beautiful. 

That just for this moment, I was yours. 

We both knew we didn’t belong to one another. 

We have other adventures and stories to be told.

We were always temporary;

temporarily inseparable. 

And so I let your arms hold me a little tighter;

I let your sweet pleading guide me to your house each night.

I didn’t slow my breathing.

I tried not to question what we were to become.

I allowed it to be simple. 

Just you and I against the month of April 

and a week further into May. 

That is all there is meant to be. 

In the end, there was only kissing. 

In the end, we both simply said,

“Travel safely along the way.” 


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Emma Lou  |  Contribution: 3,295

author: Emma Lou

Image: Snapwire / Pexels

Editor: Farah Hany

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