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February 27, 2021

Butterfly’s birthday!

Butterfly’s birthday!

Living in a house in the heart of nature means sometimes sharing some space with wild creatures. I love to see eagles, pine martens, hares, hedgehogs, butterflies and bees outside the house. Sometimes small curious ones like to come inside to say hello or even share the space rent free. I talk to them and explain that they have to leave otherwise things might not go so well for them in the end. This time I noticed something grey, so I gave my speech, but the thing didn’t move. Ok, I decided to wait, guessing it was still half sleepy from winter mode and needed some time. The next day I came to check on the new guest and I saw a Divine miracle. It was the birthday of a butterfly. It was so beautiful, precious and gentle. I couldn’t stop jumping out of joy and admiring the beauty and grace of nature. This transformational energy lives inside us too. One day we can just open our wings, trust the Universe, say yes to life and fly with joy. To be free, to love, to trust, to fly requires connection to the transformational energy and focus on the necessary inner work or we can just stay safe in our cozy cocoon and never discover our Divine beauty. Democracy is everywhere even in the Divine Universe. We are pure Love, Beauty and Light and all the rest is stories from our mind/ego. Today is a perfect day to master our own reality and choose Love, Light, kindness and beauty. Sending you a million kisses, joy, happiness, inspiration, abundance and love!

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