What is currently going on is a huge burden on the trustee. I am deeply uncomfortable to be carrying the situation as it currently stands. We have a group request to move and no Trustee to represent this group. Both Louise and Sussanah and dedicated, extremely skilled and kind, but their families are a loggerheads and that is distressing to the whole of Subud Britain as well as deeply hurting these two women. The south East needs a proper representative, to take the focus away from these two families.
Both applicants for this role Helen and Noura. are intelligent women, who can make up their own minds on Lewes, but they need to get involved now to get an understanding and take an active role in this month of voting.
As a trustee, I am concerned for all the trustees welfare as well as my own We are not about opinions on one side or the other. As trustees we are simply people, who are struggling to support the Lewes members. The person who comes in as the South East Regional Chair and the person who takes over as the new National Chair once Louise has finished will have the biggest links to Lewes and the remains of this situation. Having someone on board as South East Regional chair as soon as possible can only help clarify the Lewes situation.
It will also take the focus away from these two families. As a woman this situation partially upsets me. On National Council we have two mothers of young children left in the middle of the Lewes Groups problems with an on going painful disagreement between their families going on.
The Lewes situation needs to move forward with the focus taken away from these two women. I hope the National Helpers can support a way forward that can help us all in a kind and worshipful way.
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