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April 6, 2021

Stay healthy with good sleep and avoid sleeping disorders

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.

Good sleep helps us to stay healthy:

Stay healthy with good sleep

Along with nutritious food like keto diet and excercise, good sleep is also necessary for good health. Falling asleep in 3 to 5 minutes is everybody’s dream. Sad to say nobody care about having good sleep. Day is for work and Night is for rest and sleep. It is the law of the Nature. But lion’s share of our nights are spend on digital screens. Brain is the sleep center which control sleep along with Melatonin Hormone. Its production increases with evening darkness and go to the maximum at midnight, promoting healthy sleep. There is a biological clock for the Nature which decides the sleep-wake cycle. Growth Hormones in children are produced in the night time.  We spend one third of our life span in sleeping. Sleeping is the time for body repair and rest. It is the process of recharging energy for the next day just like we recharge our cell phones. If we do not recharge it to 100% we will face problems next day. In the same way if we are not sleeping well, it will cause problems next day. Good sleep helps in rejuvenating immunity and increases life expectancy and helps us to stay healthy with good sleep.

How long we should sleep and stay healthy:

A good sleep depends on its duration and quality. A matured person requires minimum seven hours of sleep. Infants normally sleeps for 20 to 22 hours. Sleeping for more hours is also not good. If we sleep for more than 10 hours, it is not good for health. So in order to stay healthy we have to plan our sleeping time. Some people work in night shifts. It is ok if they work regularly for night shifts and sleep during day time. Now there is a question. Is day sleep equivalent to night sleep? No never. A nap is always good for health especially for old people.

Problems if we don’t have a good sleep:

Lack of good sleep results in many diseases. We will not be able to concentrate on duties next day, reduces our memory power and some people become violent. There is a possibility of heart attack, hepatitis, headache, Diabetes and Chronic fatigue syndrome. New research suggests that women who don’t get enough sleep during pregnancy may have higher risks of developing pregnancy complications including Preeclampsia, high blood pressure, Gestational diabetes, Longer labors and higher rates of cesarean section , particularly among women who get fewer than six hours of sleep over the course of 24 hours. People who drives should have a good sleep always. Other wise you will not be able to control the vehicle and take decisions while driving which leads to accidents.

So what we should do to get a good sleep:

We should be sleep hygiene to have a good sleep. Every day we should exercise for minimum 45 minutes. Having a shower in warm water half an hour before sleep and light dinner ( fermented food ) before 8.00 PM is good. Avoiding dinner is not good. keto diet is always good during night. Consuming stimulants like alcoholic drink, tea, coffee etc. and smoking during night also is not good. Mind should be very calm before going to bed. We can listen to some good music or read a book. Spend 5 minutes in our garden, watching the sky full of stars and moon. We should shut down all digital screens half an hour before going to bed. Our Bedroom should be clean without lights and external sounds entering. Bed should be comfortable not too much hard or too much light. We should follow our biological clock going to bed at the same time and waking up the next day at the same time every day even on holidays. All these helps us to stay healthy with good sleep. If we follow this for at least for seven days continuously then it will become a habit.

How to sleep in 3 minutes and avoid sleeping disorders :

This technique is experimented in US Navy and found successful. This should be done for 21 days continously. Sleep flat on bed in back position with the hands on both side of our body. Tighten the eyebrows for sometime and then relax. Now tighten both hands for sometime and then relax them. Next step is deep inhale and hold the breath for sometime and then relieve the breath slowly. Do it for 10 times. Now tighten both legs for sometime and then relax. Keep your mind calm and think about the blue sky with a lot of stars and moon which you have seen while walking in your garden.

If you are still awake then Goodnight and practice this for the next 20 days.

Stay healthy with a good sleep!

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