May 11, 2021

The Butterfly Method to Higher Consciousness.


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One thing I’ve learned in my life is the timeless truth that sometimes “to speed up, you must slow down.”

When we slow our roll, we have the opportunity to get present, to be in the moment, get into our lives, and give ourselves the gift of seeing what is going on instead of just doing the do.

Have you ever found yourself moving so fast that it feels like confusion has become your middle name?

You’ve sped up past the speed of consciousness, but I am here to help you slow down.

I have been using the Butterfly Method to Higher Consciousness for over 20 years. It’s something I created after reading a passage, which said, “Take every thought captive.” I knew instinctively, right away, that this was important! Because our thoughts become things. So, I realized, if I wanted to change my life, I would need to observe my thoughts.  And to observe my thoughts, I would need to slow my speed—rather than trying to run through life at the speed of light!

Thoughts are powerful, and if we slow our roll, we can begin to see them, observe them, and naturally shift them in a way that feels peaceful and rejuvenating.

Thoughts lead to…

Feelings, which lead to…

Actions, which lead to…


Now, obviously we can’t actually take every thought captive (which means to capture). We have so many thoughts each day. Actually, studies have shown humans have over 6,000 thoughts per day.

I am suggesting we begin to observe our thoughts, and since we typically repeat the same kinds of thoughts again and again throughout our day, our mission is to catch the repeating ones that are playing out a negative story in our lives.

As you capture each thought, imagine it suspending time like a butterfly landing in your palm.

As it sits there, ask yourself if you can see it clearly. Is it a tosser or keeper, meaning is this thought serving you and helping you create a life you love, or not?

For the next three days, I invite you to slow down, and trust you are safe. Allow time to suspend before you begin to bend time into the life you are meant for.

Here’s the action for you to take as you slow down and notice an unpleasant, neutral, or happy thought:

1. Picture the thought as if it were a butterfly flying around in the garden.

2. Open up your hands and just breathe. Get present.

3. Be still and watch the butterfly floating around the yard.

4. Delight in it like a child would.

5. Invite and ask it to land in your hand.

6. Observe it without judgement.

7. Look closely and see if the thought is one you want to toss or keep.

8. If it’s not a keeper, thank it for being there and gently blow on your hand releasing it.

9. Finally, think a new thought! It’s just a thought, and a thought can change.

When you change your thoughts, everything begins to change. It’s like the butterfly effect, which in essence says small changes can have large impacts around the world. And most certainly in your world!

As you practice this, you will begin to find a strong connection with consciousness and the creative power. Every day can be a fine day when we step into our lives and move to higher consciousness and happiness.

*This was inspired by Wayne Dyer.


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Charlyn Jean  |  Contribution: 125

author: Charlyn Jean

Image: ravenchalk/instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CJJvKaSnS7y/

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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