April 29, 2021

10 Powerful Women share their Stories on What makes them Strong. {We Are Empowerment Project}

“We Are Empowerment” is a project focusing on empowering women by bringing their strength into the forefront of the story.

Steve Rosenfield, the founder of the What I Be Project, is back with a new photography project entitled We Are Empowerment.

With Steve’s 13 years of photography experience, he has seen many other photography projects that, in his words, “just missed the mark.” He wanted to find a way to photograph women and highlight that which makes them feel powerful within themselves.

Each woman’s portrait was taken with showcasing the subject’s strength and beauty. Each image is accompanied by words from the woman on what makes her strong.

Below are some of the powerful women who have taken part.

Janet S.: “So, maybe my strengths are another’s weakness.”

Jordon O.: “My strength comes from my mom, who is now my guardian angel.”

Sharon U.: “My strength is in loving myself even when I don’t like myself, in loving others even when I don’t like them.”

Sesa O.: “My strength is something internal, but nonetheless can be seen and felt.”

Bianca W.: “The giant space of compassion I hold for others to feel whatever they feel wherever they are in life.”

Izzy P.: “Being a strong woman is doing whatever it takes to accomplish what you need to.”

Parris L.: “All around me, I am surrounded by women who uplift me, guide me, and inspire me in my daily life.”

Corin T.: “I am a strong woman because God put me on this earth for a purpose.”

Steve was also honored to photograph and meet a group of the Sister Survivors. The Sister Survivors are the brave women who helped put former Olympic gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar behind bars. Their testimonies moved the country and opened everyone’s eyes to the vulnerability and strength of these young athletes. Nassar pleaded guilty to criminal sexual conduct and was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison in 2018.

Megan G.: “I will not let a man with impure intentions hold power over me.”

Morgan V.: “I also think being a woman, in general, makes me strong.”


“The tenacity and the ability these girls have to still smile and be open and inviting was really inspiring to see.” ~ Steve Rosenfield

For more of their images, click here.

The We Are Empowerment project wants to empower everyone to recognize the strength within every woman and share it with others.

“One of the challenges we knew we were going to face was how to get men involved in the project and participate in showcasing the strength of women. What we ended up doing was create a space for men or anyone else to nominate a woman in their life and describe the strength they see in that woman.”

The We Are Empowerment Project’s mission goes well beyond a photo. They believe that every woman is powerful and deserves to be highlighted.


If you would like to nominate a strong woman in your life, you can follow the link here.


Check out: 18 Elderly Share their Insecurities Before It’s “Too Late.” {What I Be Project}


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Lesley Merydith Isaacs  |  Contribution: 100

author: Lesley Merydith Isaacs

Image: All photography by Steve Rosenfield

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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