May 9, 2021

Dear Child: You have Given my Life its Meaning.

I wrote this poem a good many years ago. 

I use poetry as therapy and never shared it with anyone. The three-year-old will be 18 this year, which feels so crazy.

I know my children brought meaning into my life in a way that I never had before. The love I feel for them is real, true love which will last forever. 

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it:

Little laughs and louder giggles,

Tantrums sleeping in the middle.

Every day was full of glee,

When you were only one and three.

You let me keep you in my fold,

Gave kisses by the wagonload.

Mother, carer, mender, sharer,

Every moment ever rarer.

An unsure step, first fall then stand,

Eagerly waiting for Mummy’s hand.

Your first few steps for me to see,

A miracle if ever be.

You’d toddle up, beside me stand,

And then hold out your little hand.

Round and round the teddy bear,

The giggles tumbling everywhere.

The days that I would lose my temper,

You’d stalk me like a little hunter.

“Mummy, you have to talk to me,

Kiss me, hug me, share with me.”

My heart would melt like butter ice,

I’d hug you hard, first once, then twice.

You have given my life its meaning,

You have the right to a little teasing.

What was it like? I can’t remember

Life before you, a fire no ember.

And then you came and made me whole,

Inside my body, you put a soul.

O child of mine, born of my womb,

I want inscribed upon my tomb.

Here lies a woman. Yes, just another.

Yet still so special, she was a mother.

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Connie Rae  |  Contribution: 5,870

author: Connie Rae

Image: Derek Owens/unsplash

Editor: Kate Force

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