June 3, 2021

Fate, Fluke, or Good Fortune—When unfortunate circumstances are a blessing.

Ever have a day where nothing goes smoothly, or as you’d envisioned it would? 

When things simply don’t go as you’d hoped, and each small obstacle in your path delays you—your bus doesn’t come, or your car gets a flat tyre?

After a stressful start led to us setting off late, one of my children asked each of us what was the worst thing that had happened. He was feeling particularly upset that his take-away lunch order was incorrect, and he disliked what he’d been given.

I pointed out that we were actually quite lucky as I could break our journey and find him something to eat, and we were all well, and together. Running late would only cause a little inconvenience, so things could be a lot worse.

Later on during our journey traffic increased, we slowed through roadworks, and then approached a queue of vehicles that stretched as far as the eye could see. I became aware of the eerily empty carriageway on the other side of the central reservation.

I knew that most likely meant an accident—a bad one. The opposite side of the motorway was closed and those travelling in our direction had slowed to look at it. I was right. Several emergency services attended to multiple vehicles and their occupants. 

Whilst hoping that everyone involved was okay, it hit me that had we been on time, I may well have been travelling back and close to that location when the accident happened. 

That could have been me.

Be it fate, fluke, or good fortune, I spent over an hour extra in my car today, but I arrived home safely.

Most of us have read stories told by those who were running late on the morning of 9/11, or heard those talk about how they should have been working at the World Trade Center that day, but attended a doctors appointment, or cared for a sick child. They lived to watch the towers fall, and grieve for their colleagues, friends, and loved ones.

This is the most heart-wrenching example of where people were blessed by their unfortunate circumstances. 

Whilst thinking of everyone involved in the collision we passed, and hoping they were all alive and well, I was grateful that my journey ended safely.

It was a clear reminder to me that when life takes an unexpected turn, maybe it is placing you where you need to be, to keep you safe. Next time your vehicle won’t start, or you miss your train, count your blessings.

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Amy Vanheste  |  Contribution: 57,155

author: Amy Vanheste

Image: Markus Spiske/pexels

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