June 14, 2021

Easy Breezy One-Minute Muffin in a Mug. {Recipe}

I believe in food frequency—the higher the food grows from the ground, the closer it is to the sun, and the higher the vibe.

I also think we can change our food’s frequency by preparing it with love and sending light into it, or praying over it.

I aim to eat healthily, in balance, and I love to prepare food with vitality, and preferably not a microwave.

But occasionally, I use the microwave, and full disclosure, this recipe calls for one.

When I am in a rush (which I always aim not to be), this is a great go-to breakfast or snack: muffin in a mug.

Muffin in a Mug

The recipe calls for:

>> 1/4 cup ground flaxseed

>>1/2 tsp baking powder

>>1 tsp cinnamon

>>3 tbsp of JUST egg (or use 1 egg or other egg substitute)

>>1 tsp of vanilla

>>1 tsp unsweetened applesauce

>>2 tsp of monkfruit

Mix the flaxseed, baking powder, cinnamon, and sweetener in a microwaveable coffee mug. Then add the JUST egg, vanilla, and applesauce, and mix again.

Add some blueberries (or strawberries) to the mix if desired. Put the mug in the microwave for 60 seconds, and leave the room to avoid any EMF pollution. To give it a little spice on top, sprinkle it with extra cinnamon.

Wah lah! You have a one-minute muffin in a mug—that is easy breezy muffin dreamy, and is gluten-free and vegan if you want it to be!

Let me know in the comments if you try it or make a variation!

I am always looking at fun ways to shift this one up with various spices and fruits, but this is my favorite so far.



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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

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Editor: Lisa Erickson

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