July 14, 2021

5 steps to Transform your Relationship with “Radical Honesty.”


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When I first heard about the concept of “Radical Honesty,” I dismissed it.

I thought I never lie. I haven’t lied in years, so this concept doesn’t apply to me.

But then, those sneaky little hidden truths started to surface into my conscious mind. Oh, wait…hiding your truth is another form of lying. Dishonesty can come in the form of being dishonest with others as well as ourselves.

Ever been in a situation where you didn’t want to confront your fears? Well, that’s being dishonest with yourself.

What about when you didn’t want to share the truth with someone you love in order to spare them a potential heartbreak? This is another form of dishonesty.

All those times you were being someone you’re not to either impress someone or hide who you really are? This is yet another form of dishonesty.

So you see, this concept of Radical Honesty, which was coined by Dr. Brad Blanton, psychotherapist, and TEDx guest speaker, goes much deeper than straight-out lying.

But where do we go from here? How do we just tell someone our truth? What if we hurt their feelings? What if they don’t like who we really are? These are all great questions to raise.

Here are my steps to guide you through how to start living a more authentic life using the principle of Radical Honesty:

1. Own your worth.

Know that your values are warranted just as much as another being. You’re allowed to speak your truth; you’re even allowed to be your truth, so go be it.

2. Not everyone is going to like it.

We all know that we can’t please everyone, so why try? Honour yourself and what you stand for. It’s always worth that feeling of expansion.

3. Be kind. 

Remember, this is your truth and no one else’s. Kindness and respect go a long way.

4. Be aware.

Those little nudges in your belly are your intuition telling you that you’re living out of alignment with your truth. Listen and follow that voice.

5. Know your values.

It can be easier to know what a boundary-breaker is for you once you discover your own values and core beliefs. Take some time to journal about them.

Using these principles and actively practicing Radical Honesty continues to transform my personal life.

The biggest shift I’ve seen is in my intimate relationship with my husband. We’ve both committed to Radical Honesty, and it’s shifted our partnership with one another to one that’s more open, transformative, intimate, courageous, vulnerable, integral, and loving.

It cleared our blocks and allowed us to go deeper with each other.

This practice has not only been beneficial for our relationship, it has also spread into all aspects of our lives and has been transformative in every single way.


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Tania Ahkin  |  Contribution: 140

author: Tania Ahkin

Image: muhammedsalah_/Instagram

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi

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