July 23, 2021

How to Celebrate Being a One of a Kind Creation. 



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I don’t have a definition of how life, yoga, or humans should be or look—I just know how it feels.

And I don’t feel a need to explain what yoga or being a human should look like—there is no certain place, piece of clothing, or body that needs to be a particular way. I feel everything in life is a mirror. There are over seven billion humans in the world with seven billion ways to live and seven billion ways to do yoga.

However, what I do believe is you must “do you.”

We must stop holding a standard to others and ourselves.

There is no right or wrong way; there is just living.

We all do our best at our own conscious level.

Let’s stop labeling. Let’s stop standardizing. Let’s stop perfection pursuits.

Let’s stop complaining and hating and bullying on what is different and let’s all just get busy living, loving, and doing our best while enjoying the different perspectives and gifts we receive from others and life.

Once upon a time, everything was different. We are now experiencing a new norm that is ever-evolving. What was once different will soon become influential—that is life.

We just need to open our bodies, hearts, souls, and minds to being here and now and accepting all that is meant to be here for a reason. One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want us to be, rather than being ourselves.

You’re different.

And I’m different too. Different is good. But different is hard. Believe me, I know. If you celebrate your differentness, the world will, too. The world believes exactly what you tell it—through the words we use to describe ourselves, the actions we take to care for ourselves, and the choices we make to express ourselves.

Tell the world you are a one of a kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated.

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