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July 30, 2021

All is energy!

My Beautiful Angels, everything is energy. If we take a moment and feel it all around us, we might recognise that we are all in the right place at the right time. Everything is perfect and if we feel it’s not, then it’s the chatter of the ego, which wants to compare, diminish and control to keep us vibrating in the lower frequencies of fearful imaginings and projections. The truth is we are all beautiful creations of the Divine and we came here to experience all sorts of different layers and colours of life. There is always a Divine plan behind everything, we just need to learn to be one with it, stop struggling and open up to it so that we can allow the experiences of enjoyment, lightness and love. That’s how we learn to do straddles, handstands, backbendings: We learn to change our mindset and change the reality around us. We can stop pushing against the flow of life, stop suffering, stop looking for the destination and instead we can find the inner smile, the passion for our life, body, love, stillness in the mind while the heart leads the way. When we remember that everything is energy and there is always magic everywhere, the heart can open up to gratitude when things don’t go according to our preferred perfect script. As always my Beautiful Angels, love, gratitude and a million kisses and hugs!

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