August 22, 2021

Erotic Humility: A Gateway to The Spiritual Path.

The concept of erotic humility first came to me in the context of the Yoni and Lingam Massage.

As I sat with it, exploring it, I became aware of how it extends to all erotic and pleasure-filled experiences.

What is erotic humility?

For me, the erotic is the body and the heart. They’re inseparable. It’s the space where our energy expresses itself in sensual ways.

Not only the sensuality that is connected to sexual energy, but the sensuality of touching the fullness of life—being in a body, in the world.

It’s the space of feeling, of sensation, intuition, inspiration.

To approach with humility.

In your heart, in your hands.

It’s an inner posture, an awareness.

It brings the moment and the experience into the realm of the sacred—whatever the experience is.

Humility is of the heart.

And whatever way that expresses itself—through my eyes, my words, my mouth, my hands, my body, my touch—it becomes an expression of the heart.

A deeper heart, the heart within the heart, that flows through me.

Humility in touch, in pleasure allows me to be in service to you.

To connect with your body and your energy, and to allow a flow that expresses itself beyond the mind, beyond thought.

This is a meditation.

And in the connection, from my heart to yours, we expand into space.

To approach you with humility is to dissolve into knowing, exploring, discovering, connecting.

It’s an expression of intimacy.

In intimacy we are seen, heard, felt, acknowledged, known. We are accepted, loved, safe.

Erotic humility is to see the divine in you. In your form, in the sensation of you, in your body, your skin. In this is a gift. A chance to experience ourselves through each other, with each other, in each other.

Beyond performance, beyond the chasing of perfection, beyond the need to get it right. There’s a freedom in this, it releases us.

This freedom brings the mind into the body, into oneness. Union.

In this wholeness, we touch the divine. We see, feel, know that it’s within us. That’s what we are.

In experiencing erotic humility, we begin to know that our body, the mystery that draws us again and again to each other, is a path to that deeper state.

It becomes a way of being, not simply something we do. The doing is the doorway in. The touch is the pathway in.

The pleasure centres in our body and in our hearts are connected, energy is moving, flowing, upwards, and down to the earth.

There can only be love in the space of humility.

Whatever the context we share—healing, learning, connecting, sharing, experiencing—we become lovers, even if for a moment.

If I can feel like a lover, loved, loving, for this time, I can be more of a lover of life.

And we see how the erotic is a spiritual path.

I learn strength in the surrendering to humility.

I allow the release of illusion.

I come into presence, into being.

I soften.

I become more my body.

I drop into the current that moves me through life.

I dance with the moment, with what’s between us, with what we are.

Erotic humility is a way to the field of possibility.


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author: Jonti Searll

Image: Muhammed Salah/Instagram

Editor: Farah Hany

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