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August 22, 2021


Remember! You are a perfect reflection of God.

Law Of Reflection!
What Is It?

The Law of Reflection like all Natural Laws has no boundaries. There is Spirit behind all laws and it expresses itself through us, and cannot deny us Self Expression. So we should not hesitate to use these laws for personal motives.

The Law of Reflection or “substitute the Law of Attraction” reflects our thoughts back to us just as we sent them out, and sometimes, I wish I could take them back.

Picture yourself divided, on one side is the world of thought, on the other side is the world of reflection of thought. The one side is us, our free will or individuality, on the other side is the soul which is receptive to reflections.

See my page Mind Body Spirit for a great description of this connection. This is a perfect picture of cause and effect. Thought being the cause and the Reflection being the effect.

It does not matter your intention good or bad, the law reacts to your thoughts exactly as you are thinking, or feeling. You think poverty that’s what you get. The same if your focus is on the good.

Understand who you are. Take the time to sit and Reflect on this look at your patterns, are they always negative. If so look at yourself as someone else might look at you, do you like what you see?

If the answer is no then fix what you do not like. If you are honest with yourself you will see a pattern of cause and effect. You really will see that your life is a direct reflection of who you are. If you want a friend to be a friend, if you want wealth, see yourself as wealthy. Here is an important key facture you will have to fully understand, you can not fool on on yourself. What I mean is you know if you really feel a certain way.

The Law of Reflection gives you exactly what you give it. Look at it this way, you can never be WRONG.  Everything you do is perfect. You may be acting foolish, but you are doing it perfectly.

The good news is we can change our behavior and become who we want. There was a time when I struggled with my thoughts and did not like the person I was. It takes work but anyone can change their life.


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