August 29, 2021

It Finally Happened: Nandi Bushell & Dave Grohl live on Stage.

Tears in my eyes and I don’t even have to lie—Nandi Bushell finally performed live with the Foo Fighters.

Do you remember the 10-year-old Foo Fighters fan who challenged Dave Grohl for a drum battle last year?

One year later, they finally met in real life. And not only that, they performed live in front of thousands of fans at “The Forum” in Los Angeles.

When they met online a year ago, Grohl already announced that he would bring her on stage for the last song of the show because he was sure that she would outperform the rest of the band—and that’s exactly what happened this week.

Bushell came on stage to play “Everlong” and created one of the most heartwarming moments in 2021.

There are already several clips on the internet, but here is the one—the ultimate tearjerker—the clip her dad recorded from behind the stage. It doesn’t have the best sound quality, but hearing him cheering his daughter on, playing live with the Foo Fighters, is so special on so many levels.

It’s lovely to see how the family included her little brother Thomas Bushell who was in tears after his big sister’s performance with the Foo Fighters because he was so proud of her—what a family.

Bushell and her family traveled all the way from England to Los Angeles for this show, but this wasn’t the only highlight on this trip. A few days before the show, Bushell met up with Red Hot Chilli Peppers drummer Chad Smith to jam with him.

And if that wasn’t enough, she also met with the legendary Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) and his son Roman to jam in his living room. She announced that they wrote a song together that will be released soon.


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And I hope it encourages more parents to encourage their children to play music. Grohl himself performed a song with his daughter Violet earlier this year, Tom Morello brought his son to jam with Bushell, and who knows who will be next?

Let’s hope this will inspire many more rock stars to share the stage with their talented children.

And for those of us who aren’t rock stars or children of rock stars, let’s take this as a reminder to spend more time listening and playing music than fighting with others on the internet.

Speaking of the internet—thanks to social media, a fan was able to make a compilation of all clips shared from Bushell’s performance in Los Angeles. Thanks to everyone who recorded this amazing performance.



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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,835

author: Robert Busch

Image: Darrell Nutt/YouTube Screenshot

Image: Nandi Bushell/YouTube

Image: nandi_bushell/Instagram

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