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What does it mean to be free?
It can mean many different things, but to me, it has always meant authentic expression—free to be me.
When I am showing up in life as my true self—I am free.
Freedom is a feeling. We can’t have it; we can only feel and be it. We can only be fulfilled if we express ourselves fully and truthfully. Too many of us spend our lives hiding certain aspects of who we actually are. We don’t speak up for fear of judgment.
I used to be like that. I used to be a people pleaser. I’d constantly give; I’d always make sure to say the “nice thing,” never voicing my true opinion. When I did, there were repercussions, criticism, confrontation, and lash back. I wanted to keep the peace at all costs. But what was this costing me?
My true fulfillment. My own happiness. I was becoming resentful because I wasn’t being who I truly was. I was walking around my life pretending to be someone I’m not.
Luckily, I recognized this early on in my life. It was time to shed the false version of me. It was time to walk down my path of reclamation.
It was time to be free.
Reclamation means to reassert a right or reclaim something that was yours but has been lost. My path of reclamation allowed me to find my voice again. To prioritize my values and beliefs. To speak up and voice my opinion no matter the potential judgment.
In the process I found myself; discovered my desires, my passions, my community, and my self-worth. Reclaiming myself was claiming my birthright to be free, to be me.
Although the shedding of the false identity came with breakdowns and challenges, it ultimately led to fulfillment so deep it became orgasmic.
To be orgasmic means to live an exceedingly exciting, exhilarating, and arousing life—in all areas, not just in the bedroom.
We don’t need to reserve orgasmic experiences for the bedroom alone. Take that bliss, that ecstatic joy, that deep fulfillment with you into daily life.
There doesn’t need to be separation or compromise. Through Tantra, I deeply learned this to the point where it penetrated my soul. It is now what I teach to my clients.
Most of us seek a happy life, some of us seek a life that is extraordinary. This only happens when we are free. When we allow ourselves to be our true selves, authentically expressed.
Reclaiming our voices, our wildest desires, our pleasure, our truest expression of self, embracing ourselves with deep love, this is coming home. Living an orgasmic life is available for us all; it’s time to claim it and set ourselves free.
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