September 13, 2021

She—A Mystery in Sacred Motion.

She is Unafraid of her Nature, her Grace.

Don’t ever mistake her softness.

Don’t misinterpret her silence.

She, who is still, is listening.

She, who is soft, is deeply sovereign.

She knows herself most intimately.

She is unafraid of her nature, her grace.

She is not fighting to be seen,

She is not screaming to be heard.

Her authenticity isn’t from a cereal box,

trending quotes or entrepreneurial fashioned pursuits.

She’s not looking at what you are doing,

to mould herself into her own version of you.

She doesn’t find herself through Instagram scrolls,

No, that’s a scroll that is only within herself.

She doesn’t need to roar, or share her wild with you all.

Sacred is her activism, sacred is her art.

Women who are brave to be gentle,

lead with grace.

She knows it’s better to fall or fail in her originality than to succeed amongst a conditioned world in imitation.

For the sake of her soul, she practices what is authentic within.

Never gaslighting herself just to win or make a buck.

Mimicking is not creativity, it is just yuck.

She, who is unsure of herself, is driven from ego, envy, fear, and imitation.

She’s running, you can feel her truth and nervous system are shot.

She may think she’s audacious and feminine,

but let’s be real—her masculine is leading the whole damn show.

She, who is whole within herself, is rational.

She’s clear, she knows it is safe to be soft.

She is okay with being wrong, okay to listen,

and okay to break and build herself up again.

She has no need to outspeak or outshine sisters by her side.

She has nothing to prove and nothing to hide.

Ladies, can we stop playing games?

True healing and impact happens when we first own ourselves,

the light, the dark, and the shades in between.

Creativity cannot be moulded, cannot be trying to fit in.

Untangle the patriarchal conditions of success.

Your nature is calling your name,

there is no blame or shame.

This is your invitation to lay your ego to the ground,

And let love lead the new game.





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Tara Lee  |  Contribution: 840

author: Tara Lee

Image: Author's Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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