September 18, 2021

A Love Letter to those who Know Pain.

woman in pain

Hey, Love.

May I call you that?

I feel like you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t know pain and you wouldn’t know pain if you didn’t know love.

Am I right?

Anyway. I just wanted to say I’m proud of you for being here.

For being here even when life gets really hard, when no one recognizes you anymore, when you feel like it’s all too much, and you don’t know how to move forward—but you’re here anyway.

You showed up to fight through another day when “fighting through” is the last thing you wish life to be.

I’m proud of you.

Because I see what they don’t. I see the block, I feel the pain, I know your doubt and shame.

We all have a goal, right? To wake up one day and not feel this way?

We all have a demon we’re trying to kill. But we’re trying not to kill ourselves in the process. Despite watching who we once were wither away. Despite how others see us. Despite the loneliness and the judgment.

That is really something to be proud of.

So I’m writing this to you to say, the love in me sees the love in you.

And if you need to know that someone holds you close, know that I do.

Because I am like you, too.

And I know that when someone is okay with us not being okay, it helps us feel a little more…okay.

I hope you find what works for you. I hope you find your way through. And I hope you know that even though I don’t know you, I love you.

And I hope you know that the person who is in pain inside of you loves you too.

Hold on for another minute. And then a few more.

Best wishes, I love you.


If you’re having suicidal thoughts or ideations, please reach out. You’re not alone and there are people who care. Really.

Here are some numbers for worldwide help.
In the United States: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Around the World: Suicide Crisis Lines


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Tiffany Timm  |  Contribution: 52,745

author: Tiffany Timm

Image: Sergio Cabezas/Flickr

Editor: Julie Balsiger

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