How does it feel when all your plans fail?
When everything you planned for, worked incessantly on, and hoped for, in a world filled with envy and jealousy, simply fades away.
Having a sweet heart, trusting your surroundings, sharing your plans and dreams with people comes back to bite you and fill you with the bad vibes those people could carry.
I still can’t differentiate between bad luck or jealousy or evil eye. All I know is that I love to share my plans to help others open their eyes to new opportunities. However, from where I stand, everything I dreamed of achieving never happened.
I started writing this article one year ago, I was going through a tough period in my life.
Everything was black and there was no way out. I was stuck in a country drowned with financial crisis, food crisis, currency devaluations. All my plans stopped and the world seemed very small. It got smaller and smaller every time I decided to make new plans.
One day, I receive a call from my friend abroad saying that she met a businessman and he is looking for a female to be in his team in Dubai.
Dubai was an unachievable dream to me because of the sanctions that were imposed on my country.
However, this businessman managed to get me out of all this misery. I discussed the whole plan with my fiancé and he was very supportive, and we decided to go on this journey together. So, we packed our stuff and took the first flight to Dubai. As my flight got closer I started to feel that I am losing much more. I am losing every day dinner with my mother, I am losing the birth of my nephew and I will never connect with him on a deep level, I am losing my every weekend night out with my friends, I am losing the taste of belonging.
After we landed, my friend picked us from the airport to the hotel. All the thoughts started rushing in my head. I got what I wanted all along, a NEW BEGINNING!
I have never felt like this rush before!
My fiancé and I were fascinated by every detail in Dubai.
The city lights, the activities, the sites, everything!!
After a week, I calmed down from the rush and I started realizing that this is my life now. I have put all my bad thoughts behind and started planning for the future. I learned what gratitude means. I learned that everything comes in the right timing, it’s always God’s plan. We just need patience, faith and trust. These three elements will get us through the hardest quandaries in life.
Today I stand with my head up high, saying that I am proud of myself for having faith and trusting God’s plan, because it got me to start my dream life.
I tell you one thing, never live in denial. When you are downhearted and sorrowful, allow yourself to feel those emotions for a short period of time. Our body needs it, we cannot deny all that is coming over our heads. However, in those moments think how to get out of this agony and despair, and trust me you will get back on your feet like never before!
Life is very silly, you can lose everything in a glimpse of an eye. Live every moment, allow yourself to feel pain, allow yourself to get tired, allow yourself to have lonely moments staring at the wall, allow yourself to cry to scream, allow yourself to FEEL! but come out STRONGER!
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