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October 14, 2021

Goosebumps or Psychic Chills

What are psychic chills?
Indian Hatha yoga textbook Gheranda Samhita describes this feeling of psychic chills as a phenomenon of awakening of a true Bhakti or phenomenon of devotional love. The same thing has been recorded in the legendary epic of Mahabharata. When Lord Krishna revealed his true form on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Arjuna experienced similar kinds of feelings, just a million times stronger.

Random goosebumps or chills for no reason at all are termed psychic chills. Various things like conversations, touch, or energies passing through you can be the reason behind them. It can be a warning, a confirmation, confrontation, upcoming change, or your spirit guide trying to send you a message. Let’s take a look at these reasons one by one.

What is the spiritual significance of psychic chills?
It’s all about energy: It is considered that the reason behind spiritual goosebumps is the energy upsurge. This may happen when universal powers are trying to communicate with us. These external energy fields often interfere with our energy field, causing chills. Every living thing, place, and time has its energy. This energy could be pleasant or toxic, and when our internal energy field interacts with these energies, they could interfere with our mood, physiology, and soul.

That’s the reason we feel very pleasant and positive around some people and in spiritual places like temples, because the positive energy within these people or places enhances our positivity, causing goosebumps. On the other hand, when we interact with negative people or go to dark places like battlegrounds or a hospital mortuary, the negative vibrations from that place interact with our energy fields, bringing us down along with them. In such times, we get negative chills.

Prayer Chills: Whenever you get chills during your prayers, consider, you are on the right path of devotion. Getting goosebumps on our skin while praying means your mind, body, and soul are entirely in sync with your prayers, and you are establishing a connection with the Divine. Getting chills during prayers is a sign of actual devotion. It means you have immersed yourself entirely in your prayers, and you have forgotten about your ego.

Message: Many times, chills mean someone is trying to communicate with you. It could be an unseen friend, your guardian angel, or your spirit guide who is trying to look out for you. Psychic chills or goosebumps are just manifestations of these messages. The key is opening up yourself to welcome these messages and understanding what these powers are trying to say to you.

Warning: Many times, these psychic chills could be a warning for the danger ahead. That unseen friend, guardian angel, or the spirit guide of yours might be trying to warn you not to go there, not to interact with certain people, not to execute that particular plan of yours. It might be the universe trying to tell you the possible hazardous outcome of your actions.

Even if you are not so much of a spiritual type of person, these goosebumps can remind you to get on the track of spirituality. If you are a spiritual individual, these chills can be decrypted only by you. Your subconscious is seeking some answers, and the universe is trying to give you a hint through these chills.

Answers: While walking down the path of spirituality, it’s common to have thousands of questions in your mind. These questions could be about your job, relationships, spiritual path, or other aspects of your life. In spirituality, you have to seek answers to most of those questions, all by yourself.

When a seeker’s mind is preoccupied with a specific question,

Divine energies come to aid. In such conditions, goosebumps can be interpreted as a solid, positive, and welcoming sign from the universe. But for this, you must know yourself and how to interpret these signals.

Chills during meditation: Many seekers get chills during meditation. They often get chills from the base of their spine, directed towards the head. Often this phenomenon is related to the process of Kundalini awakening. It largely depends upon your mood prior to the meditation. These goosebumps or chills will be more energetic rather than physical. They are signs that your meditation is working for you.

During meditation, when your awareness expands, it activates more neurons than your natural state. As you go deeper into meditation, it causes activation of more and more neurons from your brain, releasing the happy neurotransmitters and elevating the meditator’s overall mood. When you feel, or hear a name, an idea, or an option while being in the meditative state followed by the chills, consider the universe is confirming that you have received a clear message from the Divine consciousness.

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