November 1, 2021

What we can Learn from the Seasons—& How we can use them to Transform.

As I looked out at the vibrant leaves hanging from the trees, I reflected upon the beauty of autumn.

The native New Englander within me may be biased, but there is nothing better than fall in the northeast.

The air is cool and crisp, fresh and invigorating. The moon is illuminated even brighter against the night sky. Wood stoves take off the chill and leaves rustle on the ground as the wind rushes them along.

Apples and pumpkins. Sweatshirts and sweaters. Days grow shorter and nights are longer.

All of this in preparation for the winter to come.

Winter, the most wonderful time of the year, brings with it frigid temperatures, barren trees, and snow that blankets the ground.

In thinking about the trees that will soon lose their leaves, I was reminded that when this happens, we can then see things that have been concealed during the other seasons.

Homes that seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Random roads, byways, and paths that we don’t see during the other months of the year because of the fullness of the trees. They were hidden from view.

Like the seasons, we can transform. If we pay attention, we can use the seasons as our cue to assess where we are—and where we want to be.


Here are some suggestions to take your own seasonal inventory and allow yourself to change what you want to and grown where you need to.


Instead of dreading the cold, bleak winter months, anticipate them. Use that time to look deep within and potentially see things that you’ve never seen before. The trees may have lost their leaves, but this allows for a clear path of vision. You can now see through those trees, past what covered them, and will most likely see things that you’ve never seen before.

Appreciate the stillness that accompanies a winter storm. The weather may be ferocious and frightful, but the fires that warm your soul will serve to light the way. Savor the quiet. Cherish the tranquility. And dig deep within to discover, explore, and plan for your future by making the most of the present.


The season of rebirth and new life. Spring reminds us that things die only to come back again. Those barren trees start budding again. Flowers fight to push through the desolate dirt. Birds chirp and days grow longer.

Think about what you will bring to life this spring. Look back at what you discarded over the winter, preparing your soul and planting the seeds for personal growth.


Ah, summer. A time when life is carefree. Daylight stretches on well into the evening and we bounce out of bed in the morning, eager to start the day. Crickets, fireflies, and shooting stars. We travel lighter and feel lighter. Our spirits are high and our responsibilities few.

This is a time to coast. It’s a time to lay low, reap the rewards of your winter and spring work, and enjoy. Just sail along.


The season of transformation. The time of year when we can take comfort in the fact that it’s okay to let things go, to let the things that burden us fall to the ground and blow along in the wind.

This fall, reflect upon what you will let go of—and let nature remind you of the beauty in doing so.

Prepare for the winter when the barren landscape will allow you to see without obstruction. To plan for your future. To do the work necessary for learning and growth.


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author: Erin Murphy

Image: Andras Vas/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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