November 10, 2021

What Trees can Teach us about External Love & Friendship.


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We have all seen them—the majestic giants that reach up to the sky with no thought or trouble.

Trees have always amazed me—watching them and realizing the kind of life they lead, anchored in one spot for eternity.

But have you ever contemplated how they live and love one another? How do they, at times, have a life of well over 100 years and don’t ever seem to regret it?

Yes, I am a tree lover, and yes, I have hugged a few. My life has been connected to these beautiful works of nature, and through the years, I have understood that they love like every other being on earth. But, through no fault of their own, they have to be grateful for those that share the world around them.

They are always in a group. Their movement is in unison with those close by. When the breezes blow, they move together in a rhythmic dance that only they could do together.

When the sun is bright and shining down, they reach for it as one. Touching each other’s leaves as if to say, “Look, look what we have been blessed with,” and, in turn, bask in the glory, enjoying what life has exalted them with at that moment in time.

As the weather turns dry, they patiently wait because they know that better days are coming. Life is long, but they are in this together. No matter what, they still reach for each other to console and keep their spirits up. They share what little moisture there is and contemplate that a new day is coming.

Clouds will move in with a promise of rain. Working as one, they each turn their leaves up and wait in the good thoughts that this promise will be fulfilled. As the raindrops begin to fall, we can almost hear the exquisite sound of relief and gratitude. They never lost hope, always looking for the gifts that are given regularly.

There are times when clouds turn dark. There is a buildup of torrential turbulence and unforgiving waves of wind. As the wind tries to rip through and destroy, the trees stand steadfast, never wavering or giving up on one another. They are in this together. If one falls, it still tries to live on even though there is no hope of it standing tall again. Its roots will reach deeper into the soil and hang on to what is left because that is what it was meant to do. It never gives up because the others are there, giving it hope.

Under the soil, their roots reach each other and intertwine. In this way, they are connected with impulses and messages that can go for miles—ever touching lovingly—not trying to overpower or outdo each other. They know that communication is the key to their existence.

This is how we learn to love like a tree. We as human beings need to realize that we are a group. Our existence depends on how we can move together in unison. To learn to dance together and enjoy the dance.

When times are good and days are bright, we should stand together and realize this is a time to enjoy life. To smile at one another and know we are in this as a whole. This is our time. We are blessed and should bask in our glory.

There will be days of what seems to be a dry spell; it appears that nothing is going to happen for us. At this moment, we should console and reassure that life will get better, sharing with those less fortunate and standing by them until better days arrive.

Clouds will move in, and a change is coming. Let’s try to realize that our dreams are still out there to be fulfilled. Then, when they start to come true together, we can sigh our relief and know we never lost hope for each other.

Torrential turbulence can and will build up for everyone at one time or another. As it tries to rip us apart, stand steadfast and never give up. If you happen to be the one that falls, realize that we are here for you and do not think otherwise. Reach deeper inside yourself and hang on because that is what you were put here to do. Never stop because we are here for you.

As sparks of the divine, we need to realize that this is our connection, never trying to overpower each other but knowing that communication is the key—to gently conclude that this is our existence that was intended. We are anchored together for eternity.


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Tinker McAdams  |  Contribution: 395

author: Tinker McAdams

Image: tarnellisart/Instagram

Editor: Anjelica Ilovi

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