December 11, 2021

The Beauty of the Moon Leads me to You. {Poem}


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Here we go again.

The moon is up to her tricks, can you feel it?

The stirring, the urge, the pull; your body yearning for something unmet inside that you have known all along.

Proficient in ignoring this place, only Luna can arouse it. She knows your secrets no matter how deep.

Here we go: she soothes me with her rays—awakening that quiet place. I wait, I anticipate her opening the box, she smashes it open; the box that holds the memory of you.

Into the box I dive, drowning in her illumination, remembering when my heart filled with you cast a light on the dark path ahead.

As I swim searching for air, there it is.

Your kiss deep as the night—forcing my lungs to fill and my soul to ease. Just us two, drowning.

The sun starts his journey in the East; Luna will release her spell.

I swim to the top of the box, my wet body hits the cool dawn air; reality bites.

Goose pimples on my skin are the only sign of my journey.

I feel cleansed—unsure of why or how.

The sun now warms my body, leaving that unmet place quiet again.

I am left looking up, awestruck by the beauty of the moon, unconscious that it is her beauty that leads me to you, time, and time again.

I unwillingly await the next dance.

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Buffy L McKinnon  |  Contribution: 1,900

author: Buffy L McKinnon

Image: snakes.n.roses/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis

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