January 7, 2022

The Magic in the Liminal in the New Year.

“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


The liminal begins when one thing ends and another is yet to begin.

This in-between space is not passive or blank, even if we might feel like we are floating around in it. Assuming its voidness can have us grasping too soon, outside of Kairos, divine right timing, for the next things to already be in their fruition without erotic pacing.

The liminal is an integral and necessary part of our human experience. These liminal times are some of the most important times to do spiritual work and soul healing.

The liminal is where we have the opportunity for awakening, liberation, and mending our relationship with Life itself.

It’s no accident that grieving places us directly in the liminality of our lives.

Yet, because the importance of this vital aspect of our human experience has been all but wiped out of Western culture, which values only the spring and profits, we fear it as we fear death and grief.

It is as though we are filled with shame, feel it is a personal failing to be standing on the ground of not knowing.

We seek to fill up this space, or numb it out, rather than open to it.

This is the space where we must heal into mystery—where we encounter where we are not in union with ourselves, where we do not trust goodness, and how we turn our backs on God, or Divine Love, Life, and Light.

It is where our own gnosis and revelation occurs.

A soul retrieval of sorts.

If we are to follow the lunar calendar, which I am compelled to do, the new year comes on the first of February.

This makes January a liminal month where one major cycle has ended, but another cycle has not yet begun. It is a month of mystery tossed aside by patriarchal systems.

A lot of money is made off of the hunger, grief, and revelations we haven’t learned to properly tend to before planting new seeds.

Much of codependency hinges on this unmetabolized grief and fear of not being loved (or enough) that is projected out into the world, either as our wounding or as God/dess itself.

The liminal is a powerful place to take these projections back. We digest what needs to be digested in order to make space for the new things to reveal themselves through our dreams, the wisdom of our body, in the whispers of the wind, under the light of a growing moon, from leaning on the trees, and dipping our toes in wild waters or feeling ourselves as the mountains and forest around us.

The liminal is alive with possibility, with the Divine, with the Great Mother waiting to hold us and take from us all we are not meant to carry on our own.

She waits to give us what we need to have the capacity for—for what comes next.

We can use the earthy pace of Capricorn and tap into the pragmatic quality of the mountain goat making its way so skillfully up the side of a cliff while rocks are falling.

It doesn’t rush and doesn’t miss a step.

Wholly present.

Venus calls us into her depths to retrieve what we value the most, to resurrect our own self-worth, to remember the pull of our soul, to lay flowers at the feet of our longing welling up in our hearts, along with the bone knowing that will pull us directly into Love’s true path.

She returns to the light just before the lunar new year.

The slowing down of Mercury is asking the mind to rest. Rather than working against us, it asks us to remember that mind is not all mental.

Mind also lives in the cellular memory of the heart-mind, the blossom of nerves in the gut, the way our feet make contact with the earth, and the messages delivered from the dream maker during a time we might not be aware of how deeply held and loved we are.

This moon’s magic asks for a different kind of intention setting—the kind that kindles the beginning of a greater fire, sets the stones for a wider foundation, and sets up the banks of a flowing, wild river that is yet to flow through.

Let us flourish and transmute any and all pain we have experienced into something beautiful.

Show us how to make beauty from our grief.

Send us dreams to guide our way.

Let us metabolize all that our bodies have gone through, the dreams we have been given, and the gifts we are meant to serve.

Let us build the capacity to hold more space in our lives for the generosity of Grace to bestow upon us all we are meant to steward.

Let us have courage to remember to always turn toward the Divine, which is where we truly heal our relationship not only with ourselves, but with all of life.

Help us see what is ours to love, serve, live, and exchange with in this wild, precious life.

Please reveal to us the foundations we need to build and all we need to process to set us free to flourish.

Please show us what it is all meant for and allow us the courage to serve love and listen, even if none of it makes sense.

May this liminal time serve our highest good, be gentle with us, and guide us back to our inherent goodness.

May the revelations arrive at the pace of Grace so we can plant the deepest, most rooted intentions for Life come the lunar new year.

All Earth and the Cosmos want to do is walk us home to ourselves and our collective greatest flourishing.

May we let the massiveness of this love into our hearts.

More love.

Not less.


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author: Dr. Mia Hetenyi

Image: Alexa/Unsplash

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