Women are smart enough, wise enough, give enough, feel enough, live enough, love enough and are ready to serve as President.
It baffles me that a woman has not yet been elected to president of the United States of America.
I learned long ago that there is one thing holding women back from taking that special leap into new territory: other women. Men know this, and if we as women take a step back and see what’s real, we too will recognize this.
Years ago, while in my early years in the TV news business, I made the decision to no longer be one of these women. I was on the receiving end of another woman living out her fear and coming down on me, hard:
“Gina, you’re learning early that the main thing holding women back in this business, in this world, is other women,” said Les Rose, a longtime friend and now CBS network videographer.
Through the years this became more clear. Even now, years later, I find myself on the battlefield of women versus women. For sure, I am surrounded by supportive friends who give, love and serve each other, but outside of this utopia is a hurtful world.
Often times, it’s hard to stand on my own two feet and not fight back. The right answer, the truth, is to respond with love. But sometimes the pain and the fear get in the way. The temptation to be one of them is a constant lure.
In my heart, I know that women are extra special. I know that we want to be there for each other. It is something we are born with. We are so good at it, but we live in a world that creates a divide in who we are and who we are “supposed” to be.
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Today, and everyday I recommit to serving other women. I commit to supporting and honoring other women, especially when they do well. I commit to embracing and celebrating women when they cross borders and land in uncharted territory.
Oprah Winfrey says it best, “The more you praise and celebrate life, the more there is to celebrate.”
Imagine a world where women celebrate each other for who they are. Beautiful, strong, powerful, loving, giving beings who can serve our country, our world, if we allow ourselves to embrace women serving their highest truth. If we allow ourselves to serve our highest truth.
Yes, connecting with our feminine side, our divine feminine, it is beautiful. It is right. It is real. Let’s stop fighting and let’s start serving, right now.
Thank you to women past and present for leading the way to this truth. You know who you are. Because of you, it is possible. Because of you, it is real.
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~Editor: Kate Bartolotta
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