January 25, 2022

I was Looking for an Inspiring Podcast on Twitter & The Rest is History.


After arguing on social media for a year, I searched for more intellectual entertainment.

I was looking for a podcast. So, I asked our community on Twitter.


A few minutes later, a gentleman recommended a podcast that caught my attention. And the rest is history, which is also the podcast’s name.

The Rest is History” promised in the intro that it is “interrogating the past, and attempting to de-tangle the present.” Wow, they already got me at that point.

I decided to take a break from work, took my dog for a walk, and listened to this podcast. I decided to start with Episode 136, “The Birth of the Modern World.”

In the meantime, Tom Holland, who runs this podcast with Dominic Sandbrook, thanked the gentleman who suggested the podcast in our Twitter conversation.

Isn’t that nice? Why can’t we do more stuff like that on the internet? As someone who spends his days arguing about vaccines, getting insulted by MAGA supporters, and following every trend on social media, this was quite refreshing.

After listening to the first episode, I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who loves history, sociology, and literature. It’s for nerds like me—and, maybe you?

It was intellectually stimulating to listen to Sandbrook and Holland talking about the early 20th century in Europe. They actually inspired me to look at some historical facts that might help me understand the present—just like they promised in the intro on Spotify.

Thanks to the anonymous gentleman on Twitter, thanks to Tom Holland for replying—you guys made my day. The internet can be a nice place. I really needed that reminder today.

I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I did! #mayitbeofbenefit.



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author: Robert Busch

Image: Tom Holland/Twitter

Image: Elephant Journal/Twitter

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