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February 1, 2022

Love is to Life as Salt is to Food. Really

First off, allow me to invite you to expand your consideration of Love, because it’s broader than just romantic or the sentimental.  Rather, Love is a word that describes the entire fabric of the Universe. It’s a word that depicts the force that beats your heart, makes the moon shine, and trees grow.

It’s Life Force. It’s the Light that permeates every particle and wave. It’s the Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, or Masculine and Feminine. Light carries Love in our physical world. You and I are part of this weave. Just like salt is naturally present in all (real) food. And yet…

A pinch of salt tossed atop some freshly roasted asparagus or potatoes elevates the taste even more. I realize there are people who need to eat low or no-salt for medical purposes, if that’s you, draw from your past when you could be freer with the shaker for the sake of my point.

Shaking some kindness or gratitude on a situation makes it tastes better almost immediately. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some truth talking to do, or boundary setting to navigate, but it does mean this can be done in a respectful way.

You know the bible passage… Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. There’s more but you the gist.

If I’m pissed, I want to lash out. When I’m hurt, I want to collapse. When I’m disappointed, I want to blame. These are instantaneous reactions but aren’t my only options. I’ve learned to take a breath and invite Love to teach me what is truer about the situation than my mind would have me believe.

And she does. And there’s an art to it. One worth learning. Like the art of just the right amount of salt that a chef learns by cooking.

We learn everything by trial and error, while a good teacher points where to look, they don’t tell you what to see. Our Heart guides us but we have to experience the results in mind, body and soul to own it. This is the way of Love.

If you and I sprinkled a little more Love onto every thought, word, action and interaction, life would shift rapidly for good.

The problem is most people think they’re already doing that. Mostly people are good-hearted. And that’s the rub. This was a big eye-opener for me some years back. I was told I needed to Love more and I felt indignant about hearing that. I said, “But I am a loving person, do good in the world, yada, yada!”  But that’s not what the message meant. It took me a few years to unpack the deeper layers.

I learned that those deeper layers were cracks and crevices where I had shoved my grievances, judgements, doubts, and disappointments for years. The tapes that played in my head with such deep grooves I thought they were the whole truth. All those hidden parts needed to be seen, accepted, and returned to Love.

It was creativity that became a lifeboat upon those rocky waves. Creating to heal is a ‘thing’. Being one who has been in the Healing Arts for over 30 years, I’ve tried lots of dishes offered up upon the healing buffet. While all have their good qualities, some are under-salted, some over-salted.

What I love about creativity is that it’s personal medicine for the one who is engaged. It’s your creative life force that guides the transformation and it’s nothing short of magic.

Women tell me all the time that they’re not creative. Or they don’t know where to start, and it feels intimidating. They’d like to get past the fear and begin to trust there is something inside of them, but they don’t even know how to begin.

The thing is you are ‘creating’ ALL the time! Here is the definition of create:

to cause (something) to happen as a result of one’s actions

Are you not ‘creating’ all the time? But when we hear the word ‘creativity’ we get our underwear up in a bunch because we automatically think we aren’t ‘creative’. Not true.

Here is the larger ‘truth’ about being creative:

  • Every human being is an extension of the Creative Life Force, the same force that created all Life.
  • Creative Life Force is the same Life Force that HEALS. Health and wholeness are coded into every cell of a human body. Creativity helps to awaken this healing force.
  • You can’t NOT be a creative human being. Everyone is a creative in their own way. Oh, and NO experience necessary.
  • Creativity is about finding solutions and consciously accessing the energy of healing.
  • The mind has a very limited perception of creativity, of your creativity, and what’s possible. Your creativity lives beyond this perception.
  • Creativity is an aspect of the Soul and feelings landscape (which everyone has), accessed through the heart. The heart being a sacred portal to the Universe.
  • The Creative Force and Fabric, or Field, of the Universe is Intelligence and Love. Love is who you are. Each of us are literally made from particles of Love and an intelligence that knows how to bring a body, mind, and spirit into balance.

Creative outlets are everywhere. Part of the fun is the discovering them.

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