February 8, 2022

At 47, I’m Grateful. [An Addendum]

At 47, I’m Lost, yes. But I’m also Grateful.

It’s funny. I often share myself, or my experience, rather vulnerably, openly, pitifully even. Then, later, folks sometimes say, “I can’t believe you shared that,” or, “things are bad, huh?,” or, “you’re going through a rough time.”

Meanwhile, I shrug, surprised, and go out for another sunny snowy lovely walk with ol’Redford, appreciating my life, I hope, most thoroughly. Good friends, good home, good community, good mountains, good sky, good earth, goodness.

Perhaps if more of us were open, more of the time, “winning” wouldn’t look like arrogance or influencer PR, and “losing” would be, well, okay, a thing held by community and honored equally.

So, yes, I’m lost. But, no, I’m not only okay, I have so many good people and circumstances guiding and pushing me, and my own fierce not-giving-up, that I’d say things are hard, and confusing, but jolly good!

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