March 17, 2022

Virgo Full Moon: An Invitation to Step into your Power & Live the Reason you are Here. {18 March 2022}

Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


Virgo is the medicine woman of the zodiac—she swoops in after Leo season with her sharp mind and deep wisdom to bring in the harvest of dreams. The creative play and self-expression that was generated by our lion hearts are now analysed, perfected, and logically organized in Virgo as part of our cycle of growth and evolution.

In this phase of our earthly experience, we learn to embody what the mind creates and the heartstrings play so we can give form to our desires, and do so in a way that is practical, organized, and accomplishable.

What was too extravagant, ego-based, exaggerated, or unrealistic is purged, purified, and transformed into humble gifts that can be mastered and used to serve others.

The Virgo archetype also gifts us with the wisdom of how to form a deep connection to the natural rhythms of the earth, and to the healing properties of nature, plants, and the mineral kingdom. These gifts are given to support our bodies, minds, and hearts in creating an inner environment that is healthy and balanced within which our dreams can flourish.

At this Virgo Full Moon, we have the Sun, Neptune, Jupiter, and Mercury all gathered across the sky in Pisces—the sign of the mystic, the artist, the spiritual seeker, the afterlife, the oneness—the sign that represents the disillusion of self into the dancing streams of consciousness.

Their gathering in Pisces enhances our ability to envision and manifest the dreams we’ve been wanting to bring to fruition because from across the sky the moon receives the light of the Sun which is influenced by the constellation within which it is taking place and the planets it talks to.

With this concentration of planets in Pisces our dreams are activated, our psychic centres are awakened, our creativity is heightened, and our desire to create from love and a place of pure soul desire emerges from beyond the ego’s need for gratification.

This Virgo Moon will help illuminate a path forward from the Piscean ocean of dreams, a path that has a solid plan rooted in wisdom, practicality, discernment, and a deep understanding of the rhythms and seasons of life.

This Virgo Full Moon may also shed light on any self-criticism, limiting beliefs, or unworthiness that we are carrying as well as any pain, trauma, sickness or dis-ease stored in our bodies so that we may break free of cycles, begin to call in the resources that our bodies need for healing and commit to a plan that will support our well-being.

The Moon, Pluto, and North Node of the Moon will form a grand trine at this full moon, a very fortunate aspect that will bring in support and opportunity. This grand trine takes place in the earth signs of Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus respectively, and its influence will help us build a solid future out of the wisdom that emerges from this Virgo Moon.

The grand trine energy will also help us to implement practical steps and develop stable foundations and structures that support what we are hoping to manifest or let go of. Pluto will help us draw on our personal power to transform and transmute the emotions, beliefs, and physical challenges that do not serve our illuminated path forward so that we can walk in health and give from a full cup. It will also give us a depth of focus and determination to help move us beyond obstacles and use the wisdom of our inner healer to implement change.

Mars and Venus are still in close proximity to each other, working together to inspire personal change in our relationships and the courage to take action to make necessary changes in our personal lives. They will be in square to Uranus activating that sense of freedom, independence, and rebellion needed to break free of expectations, self-judgement, disbelief in our own potential, or self-criticisms that act as hurdles along our path.

Toward perfecting the dream.

Ultimately life is the dream. Our ancients called it Maya, the unreal.

Your body, this reality, the feelings you feel are all part of the dreaming. And as you work toward perfecting your reality—an act that is a process, not an end result—you walk yourself through your evolution and develop the necessary skills for self-mastery.

You cannot perfect your dream from a place of self-imposed limitations, self-judgement, or criticism; those patterns and conditions only create more of the same. It’s time to break free of your obstacles so that you can step into your power and live the reason you are here.

The energy of this moon is great for this very change, in fact, it offers the invitation.

What are you ready to transform?

What are you ready to let go of so that you can continue along your path of growth and personal development?

So that you can begin embodying your dreams and live in a body that is healthy, balanced, happy, and supportive.

You cannot explore life to the fullest if your mind, body, and emotions are creating dis-ease.

You deserve your love and attention, and the more you fill your own cup with love, healthy patterns, habits, behaviours, thoughts, emotions, and experiences the healthier your world becomes, and the more you can give from a healthy place.

The more you can give, the more you can receive more of the same magic you put out into the world.


More on this Full Moon:

Full Worm Moon: 4 Affirmations to Ground into Balance & the New. {March 18}

Virgo Full Moon: An Invitation to Be with What Is. {March 18}


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Dorothea Lucaci  |  Contribution: 3,200

author: Dorothea Lucaci

Image: Prettysleepy/Pixabay

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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