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March 28, 2022

Photography and Journalism is like Tea and Honey

Photo by Maria Tyutina on Pexels.

Dear friends, readers , and colleagues,

Two years ago I found myself neck deep in grief a grief so complicated that I found it suffocating. A grief mixed with trauma, loss and new life. Unconsciously to deal with the pain I let my soul, spirit and whole being wander across the globe meeting writers, artists, poets and philosophers.

What I would find is grief again in other people. Through communication and connection with people that walked the earth I experienced sorrow and grief with and for those that I would never meet.

This grief was tangible and something I could make sense of and it stirred up what needed to surface, an understanding that I needed to deal with what was in the attic before cleaning the basement.

We all need this and art serves as a common denominator for all people, it is the medium that shows us and helps us with pain, suffering, grief and loss.

The photography of Deepak Kohli helped me with grief. During this time I was writing and exploring photography myself. I had returned to this passion after the sudden death of my father. Photography helped me ground on days when the pandemic made me lose contact with reality and time. It brought me back to the here and now and each day as I walked I documented time through photography as did Kohli. Each day unfolded and flooded with life which became photographs.

When Kohli connected reaching out from across the world sharing his views of the world from his lens I lost my breath momentarily. Photography that is art is timeless. poignant and brilliantly captures humanity. Photography that moves people is universal for it captures the core of who we are as people and this transcends race, religion, creed and political ideologies. Photography that is art takes our breathe away. It is the milk and honey to our tea and the expression of everything that words fail to convey

The pandemic has brought loss and it has brought gifts. It has been a joy to connect with creatives over the world who have risen to the occasion of creating for the world during a time of great pain and suffering. It is through connection and collaboration that we grow. This collaboration is based on respect in sharing and reciprocity. The creative gifts that artists share is a bond and a miracle.

Today writing this I once again returned to read the early correspondence between Kohli and myself and my heart warms.
Photography has always been linked with words and journalism. Photography however, is something that transcends words, cultures, religions and geography. The artist behind the lens captures time.
Photography is and will forever be a medium that cracks us open – a reflection of humanity..
If you want to learn more about the man Kohli take a look at his photographs and you will be  transported.
Now is the time for change my friends let art transcend and break us open.
Where there is war let there be peace and where there is grief let there be dancing for life is for the living.
We bury our dead and mourn and we take with us the memories and they become apart of the very essence of who we are. We capture life on pages with words and photographs that will tell our stories long after we have left this green earth.
We can and should become friends with our neighbors across distant shores for we are all sisters and brothers.
Artists and creatives work together beyond borders and boundaries and we can do the same.
Let the light carry us as we continue to write the best stores of our lives.
Let the pictures share the love.
For more of Kohli’s work you can find him at Dp Only One Click
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