April 11, 2022

What we keep Getting Wrong about Tantra Massage.

For so long, I’ve stayed away from the term Tantric Massage.

Mostly because of the sexual connotation that so many people bring to it.

I get so many requests from people who want to learn Tantric Massage. My first question to them is what do you think it is? And almost all of them talk about something connected to yoni/lingam/genital/orgasm.

And that’s the connection most people have with the massage. But there is more. So. Much. More!

There are so many expressions of Tantric Massage, not just one. In fact, it’s much more of an experience that comes out of the moment.

The moment that’s in me, the moment that’s in you, and the moment that’s there between us, in connection and intimacy.

It’s an expression of the heart, through our bodies.

It’s an expression of an energy that arises from a place without words.

It’s a meditation of, on, with, through the body.

It’s an expression of love.

It’s sensual. But we’ve limited our understanding of “sensual.” We’ve connected it to sex.

Sensual is a space of intimacy; it’s presence.

And the sensuality of this space is divine.

It’s seeing you, touching you, as an expression of the sacred.

It’s erotic. And we’ve limited our understanding of “erotic.” We’ve connected it to sex.

Erotic is the life-force, vitality, creative energy.

It’s our bodies and our hearts.

It’s about being in an erotic state, which can be a state of arousal, deep arousal, and simply feeling it, in all its delicious sensations, heat, and power.

Feeling it, staying in it.

And sometimes there may be more, and sometimes not.

It’s in the moment.

And in this we learn about our sexual energy, about the possibilities it holds for us.

We learn how it becomes an inner journey.

We learn how the touch, the sensation, the feeling can become a path to a deeper consciousness.

We learn how it becomes ecstasy.

We learn how it can stay in our body and awaken every cell within us.

We learn how it can be a path of release, opening, softening our body, to let go of what we’ve held onto for so long.

And we learn about pleasure and how much more there is—limitless—when we go beyond orgasm.

We learn how it’s a path of healing. And I’d like to offer something different on healing.

The massage, in its different expressions, sees us as divine.

The healing is allowing us to see that, feel that. To connect with the parts of ourselves we’ve disconnected from.

And as we are more in our bodies, as we feel more, as our energy flows more, as we relax more, and we don’t always realize how important that is, healing happens.

We don’t make it happen; it happens naturally.

And we find out how powerful a force pleasure is, in so many ways.

Pleasure is so much more than orgasm.

Pleasure is a way we experience our erotic energy.

And we see that erotic and sensual, in the fuller meaning, is a force of healing, creativity, and more—simply in the conscious experience of it.

We expand from the hunger and chasing that so many of us have with our sexuality to the deeper possibility of love.

We see that there is so much more than orgasm.

We see that words like Yoni and Lingam Massage have different meanings to what they’ve become.

And when we experience this in the massage space, we can expand it into our relationship space and into life.

For the massage is not just a massage. It’s an expression of who we are in life, in love. In possibility. In our giving, receiving, sharing, we’re able to experience so much more of ourselves.

From my own journey—into touch—that I’ve been exploring for over 25 years, into energy, pleasure, awareness, Tantra and Neo-Tantra, I’m embracing Tantric Massage.

And I’m going to continue to teach, learn, explore, develop, and create experiences that embrace the fullness of this beautiful part of life.

In May, I’m teaching in Ireland, and part of the programme there is a weekend of Tantric Massage.

And I am so looking forward to sharing it with you.


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