May 4, 2022

10 Gorgeous Nikita Gill Poems for Anyone Who is Hurting Right Now.

Nikita Gill is one of my favorite “Insta poets.”

If you don’t already follow her, you’re missing out.

With over 600,000 followers, this British-Indian poet is now one of the most popular Insta writers out there, amongst the likes of the well-known Rupi Kaur.

Nikita has been writing since childhood. At the early age of 12, she had one of her nonfiction stories published in a newspaper. Then in 2015, she began to publish her words on Tumblr. Her work became quickly popular amongst readers, and a few months later, she started her Instagram account. Her poetry explores deep themes of feminism, trauma, mental health, solitude, migration, love, and heartbreak.

The poet revealed that she writes based on her own personal life experiences. She opened up about the series of abusive relationships she found herself in since her late teens, and how she uses poetry as a tool for healing. She also spoke about her experiences of growing up as a woman in New Delhi, India, facing sexual abuse and molestation:

“There was so much anger inside me. Men would strip me bare with their eyes and comment on my body. My parents wouldn’t let me out past a certain point at night. You literally become caged, because your safety is constantly at risk. And you’re not allowed to be yourself.”

It also hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows for her when it comes to writing. Her first manuscript was rejected by 137 publishers—but she kept doing what she does best, and now she has a series of published poetry collections.

Moral of the story: never ever give up on your dreams.

Sylvia Plath and Robert Frost were two of her biggest writing inspirations. What Nikita writes and expresses in such limited space is powerful and magical. Her compassion and kindness come through in her words, in a way that makes the reader empathize and connect with her so easily.

I’ve put together 10 of her best poems on hurt, pain, and heartbreak. I hope they touch your soul as deeply as they touched mine.



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