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May 20, 2022

7 life-changing ways to Love your life

To improve your wellbeing and be a happy individual, it’s important that you love your life. Self-love is necessary for a satisfying living. You can start with our 20 life-changing ideas for self care. Living with love for oneself is one way to harness the giftings inside of you and develop a happy life. 

When you don’t love your life, there is every tendency that you will always be faced with suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, and you will always be out to sabotage yourself.

If you are feeling low about your life and don’t feel like it’s worth loving right now, there are ways we can help you come to realize that loving your life is one of the best decisions you can make.

1. Do the things you love

If you have passion for a thing, do not let anything at all pull you back from doing it. Criticism, naysayers, or circumstances do not have the right to make you quit on what you love. To love your life is also to do the things you love. This is because when you do the things you love, they give you a sense of living; a purpose that will keep on pushing you to true happiness.

Little girl singingPhoto by Felix Koutchinski

Going to the grave with the knowledge that you never could bring yourself to do what you loved can be a hurting feeling. Life starts when you find a reason for life; a purpose. And that purpose can also be gotten from doing what you love or have passion for.

Even if you meet tons of obstacles whilst trying to follow your heart, do not be faint-hearted. Many people have gone through bad situations before they could be the person they are. I know you have lots of expectations for yourself and almost feel like you’re going to die when you see them coming short, if it is for something you truly love, keep on trying over and over again. 

Rejection, failure, low expectations, and all of that are still part of life’s spice to make the journey to success more adventurous and give you an authentic story to tell. Doing the things you love is an assured way to love your life.

2. Practice self-affirmations

Do you love your life? If you don’t, practicing self-affirmations every day can help you begin to develop that affection towards yourself. In simple terms, self-affirmations are kind loving words you say to yourself, just like a mantra.

Example of some self-affirmations is, “I am beautifully and wonderfully made!” “I will choose to be me over and over again,” “I deserve only good things,” and so on.

Love your life with self affirmationsPhoto by RODNAE Productions

Self-affirmations are not only forged to make you feel better, but they are also said to make you recognize how beautiful, strong, awesome, perfect, and much more you are. Some people punish themselves either with abusive words or in actions — they call it discipline, but that could quickly escalate to self-abuse.

Using harmful words, like “I’m stupid!” “I’m so foolish, I could have done this instead,” or “I don’t think I can be good as this,” will never help you find any reason to love your life. Words like that can never let you see how beautiful, amazing, and awesome you are. Hearing that from people towards you can be disheartening, but nothing kills the most than hearing it from yourself. Telling yourself those harmful words can be way worse than getting tongue-lashed from other people.

3. Surround yourself with supportive friends

Love for life with friends Photo by Duy Pham

Surrounding yourself with friends can help you see more reasons to love your life. Surrounding yourself with friends can help boost your chances of happiness and make life worth living. When you keep people of the same mindset around you, you no longer feel alone and not understood. 

The advantage of having friends around includes companionship, fun, happiness, interactivity, and lots more. Friends can help you understand and see life from a better perspective. They can be a ladder to your successful and happy living.

So, allow your friends to drag your butt off your couch to go catch some fun. Allow them to engage you in something creative and productive. Let them be the helping hands when you’re in need and your eyes to see positivity when all you see is negativity. People can help you see reasons to love your life, and friends are one category of those people.

4. Keep an open mind

If you are so bent on what you know or believe (worse if what you believe isn’t helpful at all), you might never come to get a different result — probably, a better result. One outstanding way to progress in life is to keep an open mind. You can never know it all and again, what you might know could be wrong or outdated.

In the previous step, we talked about why you should surround yourself with friends and how beneficial they can be to you. Since we all are unique in our ways and thinking, everyone has a different idea about how a thing could work. So, in the case of loving your life, a friend might have a different idea on how to help you out. This idea could be playing in the rollercoaster, going clubbing, and trying out other crazy stuff that should kick out depression and suicidal thoughts off your head.

Love your life on a rollercoasterPhoto by Chris Slupski

While on the other hand, another friend would render a therapy session, help identify what may help you love your life and probably, recommend you to books or other therapeutic materials.

I know we all have or must have identified what we have and not have an interest in. But this time this is different, you have to keep an open mind in other to identify what would work best for you. You have to try different ways you could enjoy life (not the wrong or immoral ways, obviously). It’s only when you keep an open mind that’s when you can know what would work best or help you come to love your life.

5. Give out love

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

You may ask, “how can I give out love when I don’t even love my life?” And I say, yes, you can! 

People love things ranging from clothes to tech gadgets, to plants, to human beings, and animals. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should give out love to household items, like plates, furniture, or your TV. Who the heck does that?

Even when we think we are not capable of giving out love, we still give out love without fully recognizing that. We, sometimes, give out love to children and pets. 

So, if you have yourself surrounded by children you may help yourself find purpose in the love you give out to them. Few people might say they don’t do well caring or catering for children. Okay, what about pets? Can you go by a cute puppy or kitten without petting it? Why not have a pet or some pets around you. They are a good way to practice giving out love.

6. Focus on yourself

A lot of people get lost in trying to work out the happiness of others while neglecting themselves. Don’t get me wrong, it is a sign of love to put someone before you. You become that great hero or heroine of admiration when you care superbly for others and make them comfortable even at the expense of your comfort. But how much care is too much care?

Photo by Caroline Veronez

In everything you choose to do for people, do not do it at the expense of losing yourself in the process (dignity, identity, personality, and everything that makes you who you are). At some point, consider yourself. You should ask introspective questions like, “I’m I been used?” “Is this worth the sacrifice?” “What do I stand for?” These questions can keep you in check.

Just like everyone, you also need care, help, love, and motivation. And when you focus on yourself to develop yourself by creating a ‘me’ time, you can truly come to know what life means to you and come to love your life. Check out these 10 simple ways to focus on yourself.

7. Choose happiness

80% of the way we live out our lives boils down to choice. Telling someone who is suicidal to “choose happiness” sounds crazy right? To people who may be in the right frame of mind, that looks pretty easy. But the thing is, the mind is not a lightbulb’s switch where you can flip the button on or off in an instant.

When we talk about choosing happiness, we are talking about learning and subjecting yourself to the processes that have a chance to make you live a happy life. This means you take a shot at happiness and see how it goes. 

Love your life by being happyPhoto by Godisable Jacob

Choosing happiness is one recommendable way to love your life. There are ways you can choose happiness. These ways includes booking a therapist, reading motivational books, having supportive friends around, saying self-affirmations daily, having an open mind to life, focusing on yourself, among others. 

We don’t want to make it sound like work, but choosing happiness also needs you to be dedicated to it. This is because you need to put in effort when switching your thoughts from the negative and keeping them at the positive.

Final words

In this time, it can be hard for most people to find something to live for. So tell us, what ways are you taking to keep you loving your life? 

And if you have any point that stood out for you, we will be so glad to hear all about it in the comments section below. Reach the comments also to share some contributions and live experiences on this topic. We are itching to hear it.

Meanwhile, don’t forget sharing is caring. So feel free to share this article with friends who needs it.

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