June 1, 2022

Give Yourself a Voice in the World by Opening up your Throat Chakra.

As I scan my body to intuit which of the seven basic chakras (energy centers; wheels of spinning energy) could use the most attention and love, I sense that my throat chakra (the Fifth Chakra) needs healing.

I would like to communicate more often from a solid place of strength, clarity, and love. Playing small is not okay. Stifling my voice and shutting down is not okay. Silencing myself is not okay. Invisibility is not okay. It is time to stand in my truth and apply my positive affirmation, “I speak with clarity, strength, and love.”

Because visually seeing and hearing me do the chakra exercises is more powerful than reading about it, I created a Fifth Chakra “how-to” video.

Here is additional information about the Fifth Chakra that may or may not be in the video.

Where is the Fifth Chakra located?”

This “wheel of spinning energy” vibrates around the throat area, thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx.

What color is associated with this chakra?

The healing color of sky blue. I use my inner eye of imagination, intuition, and inward sensing to help me see the beautiful color of sky blue massaging my throat area. I visualize this color opening and relaxing my throat and getting it ready to speak the heart of my truth more easily.

Energy Healing

In a sitting, standing, or lying position, I place the palm of one hand slightly above my throat and move it around in a circular motion. Then, I stop the motion, rub my hands together, and shake off any negative history I may have picked up. After a slight pause, I move the palm of my hand in the opposite direction.

As I integrate energy healing, I focus on breathing in all the positive qualities this chakra can provide and I set my intention to speak, inspire, and engage people in a new story of love, respect, and human consciousness.

While activating my “mystical juggling” approach of energy healing, color therapy, and intentions, I create new positive affirmations. Because I believe in the power of words to change my life, I think them, say them, write them down, and sing them during this exercise and throughout my day.

Fifth Chakra Positive Affirmations

>> I give myself a clear, compassionate, and courageous voice.

>> I matter.

>> I give myself permission to express my thoughts and feelings. People need to hear from me.

>> I speak up for myself with confidence and effortless ease.

>> I am the voice of love.

One more modality for dessert: Sound Healing

In tune or out of tune, open your jaw wide, take a breath, and send a strong tone to your throat area. Take another breath and make the sound last a while. Sound healing massages your body from the inside out. It will rev up your fifth chakra and give your voice a jump start in the world.

In upcoming Elephant Journal articles and videos, I will scan my body to see which chakra needs the most healing. Eventually, I will introduce the second, third, fourth, sixth, and seventh chakras, and then create one beautiful holistic summary of all seven chakras.

It was my joy to introduce the First Chakra to you in this article.

In this article, we discovered the vital importance of the First Chakra and I shared my “Mystical Juggling” chakra approach to healing from the inside out. I also shared the history of chakras, my initial skepticism, and what transformed my thinking into someone who uses chakra energy balancing every day.

For more in-depth exercises on all seven chakras, consider getting hold of my motivational self-help book, Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good.

Revving up your throat chakra will help you live your time on Earth with more moments of “making a difference in the world” visibility, inner peace, empowerment, and healing.

More than anything else, it will help you know…

You are loved.

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author: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Image: Author's own

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