May 22, 2012

Yoga Proven Effective at Bullying Proofing Youth.

Study shows yoga is effective at reducing anger, decreasing violence and producing strong, self-confident students.

Bullying and violence are a major problem in schools and among youth. This interview focuses on how yoga-based techniques are proving effective in bully proofing our children and classrooms.

Dee Marie, of Calming Kids Yoga, will share her ground-breaking program that teaches yoga and conflict management skills to youth giving them the skills needed to be calm and compassionate, strong and resilient. We’ll also discuss the Harvard study results of the program. Also joining us is Cheryl Crawford (Grounded), with the program Quest for Elevation which is used in schools to teach yoga based techniques to combat bullying.

Find out how yoga can empower your children and stop bullying.

Listen here:


Enjoy this Shanti Generation video of teens talking about how yoga helps counter bullying.


Thanks to all who work to bring yoga based techniques into schools. As Dee mentions the number one anti-bullying skill yoga teaches youth is awareness. As children/teens become more aware of their body, their emotions, their words and their environment, they can make decisions and take action based on the yoga principle of Ahimsa: kindness to self and others.


Editor: Brianna Bemel

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