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July 22, 2022

5 Habits to Build a Successful Morning Routine

Do you ever hear about a co-worker or friend waking up between four to five in the morning? The reaction you have is one those same people have listened to time and time again. They always hear the question, “are you crazy? Why?”

Waking up while the world is asleep is one of the most peaceful times to have “me time.” It’s quiet and free of distractions. Your co-worker wakes up that early because they are waking up with themselves being their first priority.

You may also wonder what they are doing up so early? As someone who enjoys waking up before the sun, I will tell you what I do and the benefits I have received from it.

1. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is an excellent way to get you feeling incredible first thing in the morning. Gratitude is the best attitude, and that attitude can be contagious. Watch out! No matter what you are going through, all around you are things you can be grateful for. If your mind is clouded with stress about the future, close your eyes and take a deep breath or two. Feeling grateful is about being present in the moment and being thankful for what you have right then and there. Writing down three things you are grateful for and why to start your days is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

2. Get Your Lift On

Getting in a workout in the morning before starting your work day prevents you from having to worry about doing it later on. It is a big task off your checklist and leaves you feeling less guilty when you get drinks with friends after work. Working out first thing in the morning releases endorphins into your brain, enhancing your mood and bringing a momentum of energy to help sustain you throughout the day. You’ll reap the mental benefits all day long, which can help you make healthier decisions throughout your day. It can help improve your sleep at night and form a great habit.

3. Meditate to Elevate

A simple ten-minute meditation can be all you need to elevate your overall happiness. Meditating is a way to help you take a step back from a project you’re working on and can help you see it from a fresh perspective. Meditation has helped me tremendously with my mental health. The beautiful thing about meditation is it enables you to get out of your head and into your body by focusing on your breath. Thoughts are okay to have, but acknowledging those thoughts has helped reduce stress. Meditation is formless — meaning it can be done anywhere at any time. Check out the apps Insight Timer and Headspace. Both supply their versions of guided meditations for beginners that are short, simple, and sweet.

4. Journal Your Thoughts

I spoke earlier about your gratitude practice but let’s dive deeper to organize those thoughts. Journaling can help you see and feel emotions that were hidden or holding you back. It can help you recognize triggers and help you deal with them. Journaling can also be positive affirmations such as “I am resilient to the challenges life throws my way.” Or “I am handsome and happy.” If you feel lost and need more structure, there are a plethora of journal prompts out there. Some of the most helpful ones for me have been:

Which negative habits do you need to break to make your dreams come true?

What is one thing that makes me smile inside?

Who/what inspires me to become better each day?

5. Wake Up At The Same Time

Your body needs rest to operate efficiently, keeping it strong and energized. To help make this habit easy, you need to go to bed at the same time each night. Setting times where you know you can get 7–9 hours of sleep each night is ideal. The benefit of waking up at the same time is it gets your body and mind used to starting your day at such time. Sometimes, you may wake up ten minutes before your alarm. Going to sleep at the same time consistently, your body will naturally start to wind down around that time.

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