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September 25, 2022


You say my eyes reflect 

the deep sections of the ocean
the sun in the center
like looking up from the depths
and seeing the sun’s rays above.
I am flattered beyond belief
and say that you too have ocean eyes.
I swim in place
to keep staring in awe
at the light and beauty you make.
Your eyes in particular—
sun glow yellow and deep blue sky dancing on the dappling vast surface and reflecting the ocean back to me.
That is how I see your eyes.
The moment my eyes catch
a glimpse of yours,
time feels so slow
like swimming under water
or flying as if I am watching
us from above
like a red-tailed hawk circling
to get a better understanding.
To find better clarity
one must have perspective.
When I write reflections
I often stop and think
about reflections, the physical kind,
the sky in the lake
the Moon Glade in the ocean
your true blue eyes.
It is easier to visualize a reflection than it is to think back on the past
especially when your past
is where your anxiety lives
yet it is important to reflect
so you can see your own mental progress your aha moment and look at where you were and where you are now,
mentally speaking.
When you were at this age,
at this time,
in this very moment.
I want to explore our pasts together
but be sure not to get stuck there,
like getting stuck
knee-deep in marsh mud—
the kind that makes you fall down
on your face or backwards on your back.
Remember to only look back
just long enough
to understand what it means for you now. Then row it out to the island
like I learned to,
or whatever safe place
you can visualize
and leave it in the oar box
and vacuum seal it shut.
Then fly back to the present and only take what you learned with you,
leave the hurt in the low tide marshy mud for all the water to swallow
and wash it out to sea.
Right now I want to memorize the great feeling of happiness and peace you bring me in so many moments of our lives.
I want to walk to our next adventure remembering the good times of the past
and with the confidence
that we have each other
and ourselves
and that is a beautiful thing
and that we are enough
and we are one.

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