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September 27, 2022

Happy endings – Myth or truth ?

Happily ever after – a myth or truth ??

I grew up with the notion of true love, fairytales and happy endings. I guess most of us grew up believing in this concept. Somewhere i still believe in this idea. I always imagined a happy endings and falling in love would be so magical. The concepts of there is one person made for everyone or true love always wins or the power of words “I love you”. I remember the times when i used to watch movies and the lead actors used to say the three magical words “I love you” to each other, it was such a big deal. I mean the word “love” itself had so much of meaning and importance. Telling someone you love them was the purest, rarest and the most beautiful part of the world.
As I am growing and experiencing certain things in life and observing around me, this bubble of the world is collapsing and i am not able to find enough proofs of keep it stable.
I really wish to hang on to it and a part of me it’s not ready to let it go…
How can you let go of something which you truly believed in and it meant everything to you. You keep searching for proofs to protect that ideology but somehow the experiences of life goes against it.
One day I realised that the notion of happy ending is always related to the other person. My idea of love was always with other person and importance of that person in my life. I was somehow protecting that bubble of world and my ideology by constantly accepting things which I don’t deserve.
The only reason I accepted was because of the words and promises. I never realised the way I feel or if it’s right or wrong but the idea of love just made everything small. In a way love made me feel weak and vulnerable.
Why love makes us weak ? Isn’t it supposed to make us stronger and wiser ? Isn’t it that power which surpass everything ? Isn’t it honest, pure and true ?
But it was not what i was experiencing.
The bubble was breaking and i tried my best not to let it break by searching for evidence, by constantly forgiving by compromising myself and certainly at a point disrespecting myself. It compromised my idea of love and relationship, my idea of respect and my idea of communication but i kept going on because I wanted to protect that bubble of love and happy endings in my head.
Then there came a point where i had to give in and let go of it. As it is said you truly become stronger when you have no other option but to be strong. At times the world forces you to let go and move on…
The heartbreak doesn’t come when you break up with a person but it comes when your idea of love diminishes,
When your perspective about the world changed forever,
When the safe bubble you stayed in completely collapses,
When you know it’s always going to be part of your life,
Your heart breaks into millions of pieces and shatters your world. You can’t see the world the same way as you used to…
The words “I love you” which meant magic and pure kind of scares you,
You becomes afraid of being completely honest or showing your vulnerable side,
You face trust issues and what not…
It’s not because of the person but it is because of your own bubble which breaks into million pieces..
After a while you learn to gather some unbroken pieces of yourself and make a new bubble….it takes time but may be this bubble would be of rocks and not glasses. The one which cannot be broke by the outside force.
I am learning that happy ending is myth if it is associated with other person but if it is associated with your self, it is true…
The concept of love with other person might change but the concept of self love should stand still…
The communication which we expect from people might never get fulfilled but we have right to communicate our feelings and make a choice,
Others respecting us or not is always questionable but our self respect should be in our own hands,
It comes with respecting your own needs, owning up to your vulnerabilities, not being afraid of people changing and setting up boundaries which makes you feel happy..
Afterall, You are the person you are going to spend rest of your life with….
How about having a happy ending with your ownself?
I am certain it is possible….
– Ripal

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