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October 15, 2022

Who Will Tweet Us When We Are Gone?

If you asked me when I was twenty what I wanted to do  I would have answered ” to live life deeply” under my breath I would add while creating and writing.

Fast forward twenty-some years later and I can declare my feelings to the world as well as my desire to write.

Self-promotion does not come easy and neither does tweeting.

Writing does and so I begin again and again.

As a creative trying to get your word out is a challenge and social media is a double-edged sword at times. This is a mode of communication that we need, however, in order to get our message out to the masses and to share our gifts.

The truth is we can love and hate social media depending on the day.

What matters is how we use social media.

We can use social media or be used by it.

Our voice is what matters.

Your voice matters and so I ask you who will tweet you when you are gone?

Will your messages fade in the night?

Will your voice remain and live on as an echo in the sea of social media feeds?

If you are a writer/ creative or tweeting fan I ask you to ponder why are you tweeting?

What we write will it be remembered?

Who will tweet us when we are gone?

As a writer, I believe that every writer wants to leave a legacy and a body of work to be remembered. Each breathing moment I work on this body of work.

Writing aside humans now more than ever are speaking out. The world is on fire with the transmutation of information on the internet.

It is time to reflect and pause and write with intention and attention. Be curious and mindful.

Words matter.

Your words and mine matter.

Your life matters.

Living a mindful life takes courage.

Living deeply is for the courageous.

Next time you tune in on social media be present and breathe. Read and write your story and share it with this big beautiful world. We can all have differences of opinion.

A mindful life is accepting of this.

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