October 28, 2022

6 Nonnegotiable Habits for a more Fullfilling, Happy Life.

Who doesn’t want to live a more fulfilling, happy life?

I think it’s safe to say that most of us strive to be happy. But, unfortunately, feeling happy doesn’t always just naturally happen. Just like most things in life, we have to put in some effort to create what we want. And if happiness is what we’re looking for, then we better start understanding how to create it. Right?

Personally, I’ve noticed that my happiness comes and goes—and I think that’s totally normal. It’s easy to fall out of routine or get too busy to do the things that bring us real joy. And even though this is normal (and all too common), I don’t think it should be.

Figuring out what brings us joy and going out and doing the damn thing should be nonnegotiable. Our happiness should (and always should) be a priority.

So, in case you need a little reminder of how to feel a little bit (or a lot) happier, here are six habits that should be nonnegotiable:

1. Acknowledge, understand, accept, and let go of negative emotions.

To be clear, “letting go” of negative emotions doesn’t mean repressing them. It’s important to acknowledge, understand, and accept the negative emotion in order to be able to move on from it. When we repress or dwell on our emotions, that’s when they can fester and make us feel worse. It’s also important to note that even though these emotions feel negative, oftentimes, they have a purpose. Feelings are meant to be felt.

2. Practice gratitude.

It’s all about appreciating the little things. And instead of focusing on what we don’t have, let’s focus on what we do have. There is so much to be grateful for.

3. Try new experiences.

Trying new things can boost our confidence and make us feel better about ourselves. This can simply mean trying out a new restaurant or walking a different path than normal—it doesn’t have to be some big, exotic adventure (but that’s also great).

4. Stay committed to what you’re passionate about, no matter what.

It is so important for our happiness to make time for the things we truly love. What makes you feel fulfilled in life? Make this a priority.

5. Make a conscious effort to build meaningful relationships with people who add value to your life.

Spending time with the people we love and care about is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Just like we should make time for our passions, we should also make time for the people we love.

“Happiness only real when shared.” ~ Christopher McCandless

6. Share happiness.

Just like most emotions, happiness is contagious. How we feel affects those around us. What you put out, you will receive—spread your joy and joy will come back.

Learn more about living a happier life here:

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author: Juliana Otis

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