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November 7, 2022

TikTok’s “Villain Era”, It’s Not What You Think

Does the fear of ruffling some feathers stop you from showing up?

Staying in your comfort zone to keep others happy is a cage of your own making. The energy we show to ourselves, our business, and others absolutely can affect our growth.

Entering your villain era means that you may shake up some of your relationships, from close friends to random ones on the internet, but it’s about reprioritizing your most important relationship: the one with yourself.

Take a moment to look around you: Are you currently creating and sharing in a way that keeps everyone comfortable, but your voice is begging you for more?

To say more

To be more

To stand out more

for people-pleasers, doing what’s best for you is a rebellious, sometimes villainous act

Years of patterns of doing what you know is accepted by your parents, the current group of friends, community are not easy to break from.

Many people talk about being more of who you are. What does that really mean?

For many of us, we’ve lived what others would say good lives, but feel trapped or that something is missing.

We enjoy our lives, but we continuously quiet our inner voice of what we want for what is accepted or what is safe.

Entering your villain era is about letting the weight of your desires and needs to be more significant than others around you.

You see all around. Entering your villain era may look like this:

  • Quiet quitting
  • Saying no to going out when you know a night in would serve you
  • Ignoring a phone call
  • Posting a strong opinion
  • Confronting people who are manipulating or continuously pushing your boundaries
  • Going on that vacation when it doesn’t make sense
  • Starting a business and leaving the “safety” of corporate life

Want to hear more about the villain era? Check out my podcast episode: Entering your ‘Villain Era’, It’s not what you think. Let’s be friends on Instagram: @jamieratermann

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Jamie Ratermann  |  Contribution: 365