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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:
In our latest, greatest Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, Waylon talks with Ailey Jolie, who describes herself as a human first, and a psychotherapist second. We discuss maitri, dating culture, communication, and masculinity.
“Most ruptures and harm happens in intimate connection. And so if we are to repair that or restore a sense of resiliency, it’s our relationships that are going to have to change for our life to change, as well.” ~ Ailey Jolie
Or, listen to the podcast:
One of the most important things you can do for your vagina and your sex life—to avoid a world of problems later? Check out this device and get a free bag of craft coffee (code; EJCOFFEE)>>
“I’ve spent a lot of time in silent meditation, so I understand and hear the difference in truth, and I think that’s the place I try and write from. I don’t sit down and go, ‘what do I think that people want?’
I’m like, ‘what do I need to hear?’ Or ‘what do I wish my client could have just heard me say, but they couldn’t hear it? But, I can write it.'” ~ Ailey Jolie
“I think if we are to have a dating culture shift, there needs to be a conversation about how we connect to ourselves, how we feel a sense of worthiness. How we have a sense of honesty with ourselves, first. Because if we want something out there, we have to know what it is. We have to be able to communicate it. We have to know what our needs are. I constantly go back to that place of ‘How are you dating yourself, or taking care of yourself? What does that look like?'” ~ Ailey Jolie
Find Ailey on Instagram, here. And check out her website to learn more about her and her offerings.
Read Ailey’s writing on Elephant:
How we try to Solve our Childhood Wounds through Romantic Relationships.
The Difference Between Settling for Someone & Settling with Someone.
A note from Waylon:
Big news about my podcast, new YouTube channel.
Our podcast and video series are trying to start up again, with Molly’s help! Help support them by viewing, listening, sharing—we’ve received many requests over the last years for mindful tips and conversations and the podcast to return. Boom! I’m once again doing a convo/video/podcast once a week. Hope you give it a listen.
I’m leaving behind Elephant’s 35,000 subscribers (Google never let us monetize) and many millions of views—and I hope you’ll subscribe to my new channel here: I’ll upload at least one video a week about everyday mindfulness and eco and meditation and relationships and food and equality and politics from a non-hateful perspective, and all that good stuff.
So, anyways, starting a new account. Subscribe! Support! Share! All the things. May it be of benefit! Be one of my first and comment if you do so.
For more mindful chats, go to and follow us on Instagram at @walkthetalkshow.
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