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March 22, 2023

Loving Imperfections.

So, there was this unexpected situation—when I was living in Thailand—which still lives in the back of my mind.

One day, for some odd reason, I needed some extra-virgin coconut oil and I went to the chemist. And, to my surprise, as soon as I got into the shop, the guy at the counter said, “I have a great product for you to get rid of your freckles.” I started laughing, as I was not living up for the ideal of a perfect white porcelain skin.

Although having freckles was/is not a worry for me, looking back at that time now, there was a lot of striving to be perfect on my part. To work with faultless standards, to excel at living overseas, to be the independent woman I was taught to be, and the list goes on.

I had the illusion of control over my life, especially over the results of my efforts. I would not accept any failure and would not admit any mistakes. It was difficult to deal with criticism. As I walked through life, I learned that living this way was physically, emotionally, and energetically exhausting. We are humans, and we make mistakes.

I learned that I was worthy of love even with my imperfections. I do not need to be different from who I am to be loved. I learned that my experiences, the good and the bad, shaped me to be the person I am now.

Nowadays, I choose to accept the disappointments and the imperfections of the world around me with kindness. Instead of striving to be perfect, I use my time to offer what I can to the world, and to be of benefit.

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