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March 30, 2023

Goals – Why Set Them?!

What you are going through to attain your goal may never be seen, nor recognized, even after you attain it. But does that matter, or is it really about the lessons you learn and keep that transform you into the individual that is worthy of such achievement?!
Today I will answer that with a story of how I achieved my 1st goal I ever set.

I had never played any sport competitively, basically I as into my books, but now headed into the larger world of High school at age 11 I wanted to conquer a world that I always admired and hungered for from afar. Athletes are amazing, the things they do with their bodies still fascinate me even today.

On the 1st day of P.E. at Holy Cross College, I was a big sponge eager to learn practical biology through playing sport, our family had history of playing sport, so I was going to be sort of a pioneer. Mr Navis (now deceased) introduced me to football/soccer, and I was immediately addicted. I did not have gear, or anything to play and train with, but my mind was made up. Work hard, learn football, every position, make this team.

At first I just wanted to represent my school, but in 2 months, he then introduced me to a group of highly skilled players from across the country called Santa Rosa Youths, and told me he believed I could make it as the goalkeeper. That it would required lots of dedication to go on tour to Suriname with them, but I had almost 2 years to get ready.

One small problem, all the goalkeepers had years of experience on me. I worked hard for those two years and could not seem to get to the position where I would go to Suriname. I became really good at midfield, and was not good enough there either. In fact there was now way I was surpassing those guys. And the day to choose the team was here. I was chosen because I was never late, or missed a practice. At least I was getting to visit another country. As a young Arima schoolboy, that was an accomplishment to be proud of, but not enough.

We embarked on the tour, I was fascinated with Suriname, 2nd country I had visited, Barbados being the first as a cadet, I was a part of winning the Efficiency Shield the year before. I was roomed with a basketballer and 2 other players. My first time seeing basketball up close. Still little chance to show that I was worthy. Then came the first game. Coach said everybody gear up. I was ready, even though I was not initially named.
Now at this game, the stars aligned … Opportunity dances with those who have prepared … The main GK got injured less than 15 minutes gone, the coch called on the named sub, he was not fully dressed. He immediately told him don’y bother and called on the next in line, who also was not ready, he was angry. He looked at me and said go in and show me what you are made of. I was dressed to play, nothing to tie etc. I immediately ran to the linesman, and got sent on.

Preparation meets Opportunity … Leads to Success
I had such a huge game I was moved to the no.1 position for the remaining 10 games, and I trained even harder not to loose my new spot. I proved all the Dale Carnegie books were correct. I envisioned it, and worked harder daily, even though it seemed at times unattainable. I never sat on the bench again for my career with that team and was named Player of the Tour. I was an Athlete. It took 2 years of training to get one chance, but now the two years did not seem hard. Nobody remembered I used to be on the bench, or not even on the team sheet. Few remember that today. I am remembered as a great U-16 goalkeeper, school player etc, the 1st 18 months of trying, have been erased.

There is no failure, just lessons on how to succeed!

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