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April 23, 2023

Goat Story Number 1

It was a school morning that started with chores, like usual. I wonder how many other nine year olds were working part-time. This day though my older sister Suze and I, were feeding the goats, we had fed and watered the birds (turkeys) already, relief took over as we were nearing the end of morning chores, so we were particularly happy and gung-ho.

With ease, Suze hopped the fence, within moments Sammy our goofiest goat started head butting her in the stomach. He was a lanky dark Nubian goat with horns that spiraled upwards. Within an instant, she grabbed the feed bucket, chucked the other goats food in the trough and then clanged the bucket over Sam’s head as if she’d been in this situation before. Stunned as hoped, the goat was running in circles, only to shake the bucket off of his horns, soaring the bucket to the ground, as it ricocheted behind him. It took no time before he started to chase Suze to the fence trying to buck her behind the whole way. The other goats joined in on the fun and ran alongside Sammy bahing with delight. She was dead serious and too quick, the faster he ran the faster she did until she flew over the fence to safety while Sammy bashed into the fence ashamedly. To the goat it was a game but my sister was shook. Almost as if her body reacted faster than her brain and now it was all catching up. She heaved and talked at the same time–catching her breath. “I wasn’t going to let Sammy get me, the bastard!” I laughed as I agreed and said, “Man was he trying to get you! How did you do that?” “It just clicked if I gave them food it would distract them for a minute long enough to cover his head with the bucket!”

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