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May 26, 2023

5 Valuable Lessons from Therapy

I used to think therapy wasn’t for me. I believed I could handle everything on my own. But then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and everything changed. Without the usual hustle and bustle, I noticed myself falling apart emotionally. It became clear that I needed to do something to heal myself. However, finding the right therapist seemed overwhelming. I didn’t know how to find someone I could connect with and trust. But deep down, I knew I needed a therapist who could guide me on my journey to healing.

Luckily, I found an amazing therapist, who has led me on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and finding my true self. Over the past two years, therapy has had a profound impact on my life, bringing positive and transformative experiences.

Here are five important lessons I learned from therapy:

Lesson 1: Embrace Your Inner Child

Our inner child represents our childhood self, including thoughts, emotions, and experiences that shape us as adults. It holds memories, desires, and unresolved issues that affect our thoughts, behaviors, and emotional patterns. By working with our inner child, we can acknowledge and understand the emotional needs that arose during our childhood. It means being kind to ourselves, showing self-compassion, and providing the love and care we may have missed in the past.

Lesson 2: Take Care of Your Needs

Neglecting our physical, emotional, and social needs can lead to physical ailments, emotional distress, strained relationships, and feelings of disconnection and loneliness. Prioritizing our needs is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life. We need to recognize and address our needs for a happier and healthier life.

Lesson 3: Mindfulness Matters
Being mindful of our emotions, thoughts, and reactions can lead to personal transformation. Cultivating mindfulness allows us to observe and reflect on our emotions, thoughts, and reactions. This awareness empowers us to make conscious choices instead of reacting automatically. It helps us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our patterns, and the underlying beliefs and values that shape our experiences.

Lesson 4: Therapy Goes Beyond Problem-Solving
Therapy is more than just solving problems. It’s a complex process that encourages us to explore our inner world, uncovering and addressing underlying emotions, beliefs, and traumas that affect our well-being. Therapy provides a safe and confidential space where we can explore our thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment.

Lesson 5: Engage and Explore
Participating in therapy requires active engagement and a willingness to explore our inner landscape. It involves diving deep into our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and experiences, reflecting on them, and gaining a better understanding of ourselves. This process can be challenging because it requires openness and vulnerability, especially for those who have had negative experiences with trust or struggle to express their feelings.

Therapy can be both scary and exhausting as it involves facing uncomfortable emotions and confronting past traumas. However, it often leads to catharsis when we confront and work through unresolved issues and emotional pain. By delving into these experiences and expressing associated emotions, we can find healing and resolution.

I wholeheartedly believe in therapy and its benefits. If you’re unsure about therapy, take a three-day break from your routine, step back, and reflect on how you feel. If you find yourself struggling emotionally or mentally, reach out for support. Remember, seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a courageous step toward healing and personal growth.

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